Shield Mutual: Activist Insurance Against Government Aggression


With the disturbing case of former Marine Brandon Raub, who was arrested by the FBI & Secret Service following a series of  aggressive, anti-government Facebook posts and carted against his will into a psychiatric prison where he will be held for a month (at least), this novel "insurance" company is looking like an interesting option.Shield Mutual bills itself as activist insurance, using a tongue-in-cheek tag line of "Government attack? We've got your back." However, the organization actually provides a very unique blend of offerings which, if handled correctly, could be very effective should someone be spirited away by government spooks in the night. From the Shield Mutual website:

When governments attack, we spring into action – but only in accordance with your instructions. We connect conscious individuals in a network for maximum impact. We produce a range of appropriate media, from websites and flyers to social media and press releases.

They also promise to raise funds to aid in whatever ways are needed in addition to other services.My bio doesn't reveal this, but I currently operate as the Vice President of a public relations firm. Thus, I feel that the most valuable offering that Shield Mutual provides would be the reach through social media to raise awareness among liberty-minded (or cause-related) folk who can then take up the fight and help to raise funds. If they truly can deliver what they promise, it's a powerful fallback for an activist to have if he or she suddenly disappears: A waiting loudspeaker to educate the public and media as to what has occurred, for what reason, and also provide insight into the person being arrested's mindset so they aren't labeled as some psychotic rogue.While I'm reminded a little bit of Old Glory Robot Insurance by Shield's corny tagline, I'm also reminded of the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.  Hopefully Shield Mutual thrives, even though I hope we never need it.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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