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QE: To Infinity....And Beyond!

Stagnating economy got ya down? Well have no fear, citizen, world famous superhero Buzz Bernankyear is back to save the economy once again! What superpower will he use to save the day this time? Will it, wait, I've got it...more money printing?! YES, citizen, more money printing! Only this time we're going to call it Quantitative Easing 3!Still with me? My apologies, but my brain can only handle hearing the same thing over, and over, and over and over until it finally implodes upon itself and creates an alternate reality where all of my thoughts manifest as filtered through Pixar animated films.  We all have our ways to cope.Yes, in classic Keynesian style, Ben Bernanke has once again announced another round of "Quantitative Easing" , a fancy term for "creating money from nothing".  This new money will be used to buy stuff like mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasuries. It's hard to predict exactly the immediate and precise effects of this new round of QE.  It seems it will be used in some ways to prop up the housing market - and we all know how well that usually works out.  But one way or another, once this newly created money finds it's way into the economy it will hurt the value of the dollar and cause price inflation.  Inflation, the most insidious of taxes, as it is one that most people don't even realize is occurring, content to shrug their shoulders and accept rising prices as an Act of Nature, or perhaps the doings of Evil Speculators!What's nice about this latest "QE" announcement is that we may never have to hear another one again! That's because this current round of QE commonly referred to as "QE 3", is really more like "QE Infinity", as global investment strategist Francisco Blanch recently referred to it.  This is because The Federal Reserve's current round of QE is open-ended.  Yup, it's as indefinite as the detention power under the NDAA.  According to the Fed's statement:

If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases and employ its other policy tools as appropriate...

It seems like, as President Obama said in his speech at the DNC, we really are part of a "bold, persistent experimentation" in money printing to a level unlike any the world has ever seen. But one thing is for sure, it will have a drastic effect on the economy in the years to come.Ben Swann recently gave a great breakdown on QE 3 and exactly what it means for the economy.We don't know exactly what QE 3 will bring, but rest assured it won't be pretty, and it just may go on for infinity...and beyond!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!