World Health Org Mulls First "World Tax"


Read that headline. Now read it again. The World Health Organization is mulling the first "World Tax" on cigarettes. They are "thinking it over." Of course they have zero authority whatsoever to enact any tax anywhere at any time, ever. But never mind that small detail.News reports came out yesterday reporting the WHO's plan to put a tax on cigarettes on the table at its November conference that would tax smokes at a rate that could reach 70%.

“The concept was initially proposed by a working group set up by World Bank to explore innovative sources of financing health care and envisions a voluntary action by interested governments to adopt an additional tax levy as part of their regular tobacco excise on each pack of cigarettes consumed,” the WHO said in a January statement. “This would increase the effective excise tax rate on cigarettes towards the WHO recommended level of 70 percent of the retail price and, by generating substantial revenues, could ensure a sustainable revenue stream for financing international health.”

So the WHO is going to petition governments to take up this massive tax that has been proven to impact the poor and simply push black market or imitation products into the market so that it can use the money to fund other "international health initiatives." Like say, causing international panics over basically harmless outbreaks of various sniffles. Like this one. Or this one. And who could forget the H1N1 virus that scared everyone to death, but only caused one American to actually die. Yes, let's give the WHO more tax dollars to cause even more chaos with its warnings of zombie outbreaks, while also opening the door to any number of global taxes.This new global tax echoes the push of the United Nations with its nefarious and liberty crushing Agenda 21 plan (previously covered here) for global governance over many aspects of our lives. If this tax is adopted internationally (which I doubt it will be - China alone will see to that) the floodgates will open for the UN and World Bank to start making all sorts of demands for global taxes on industrial greenhouse emissions, vehicle emissions, consumption taxes, etc.  This is in order to forward its plan for a "global partnership" wherein funds from all nations are pooled to assist emerging nations, and all nations are governed by many of the same laws by the New World Order. This first tax is pulling a runaway train out of the station.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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