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Mondays With Murray: Rothbard on Ron Paul

Welcome to the 2nd installment of Mondays with Murray!  The originator of this reoccurring feature, our Editor-in-Chief Marc Clair, is stuck without access to the interwebs as a result of the hardships that accompany moving.  Have no fear fellow liberty lovers, the show must go on.  As the Presidential election advances into debate season, it is timely and appropriate to look at the qualities Rothbard preferred in a Libertarian Party candidate and his opinion regarding Dr. Paul’s credibility as a candidate during the 1988 election.This video is from 1989 and shows Rothbard answering a question about his support for Ron Paul's Presidential run as the Libertarian Party’s candidate in 1988.  It is surprising that there were Libertarians in 1988 who did not support Dr. Paul’s Presidential run.  Even more shocking is the idea that people would not expect Rothbard to support Dr. Paul.  Murray defends Dr. Paul’s credentials during this brief minute and a half long video. if Murray Rothbard was still around today to see Ron Paul knock the socks off the establishment in 2008 and 2012.  Perhaps if Murray was still around he would have pushed the good Doctor to head line the Libertarian Party ticket, instead of Governor Gary Johnson, after watching the blatant disrespect displayed by the GOP elites during the primary.Certainly, Johnson would not meet all of the qualifications Rothbard requires of a credible candidate for the LP ticket.  Governor Johnson certainly is not a pure libertarian based on his support of humanitarian wars alone.  As discussed in this previous article, if an individual does not reject the initiation of force, they are not a believer in liberty and thus not a pure libertarian.  Johnson does have a muted Statist mentality in comparison to Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, but lacks a consistent and purely libertarian philosophy.  Perhaps Rothbard would support Johnson over Romney and Obama, after all he did support George H.W. Bush in 1992 over Clinton.  Maybe, like so many modern day libertarians, he would decide not to vote at all, rather than give a vote to a faux libertarian like Governor Gary Johnson.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!