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First Presidential Debate Live Tweet Recap

Well its that time again!  Thoughtless debates full of hot air, buzzwords and Lions of Liberty tweeting!  In case you missed us live last night, here is a full recap of our debate tweets from the pageant. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyWelcome to Monday Night RAW..I mean the Presidential package got me a little amped there. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyAnd they waste NO TIME in showing us the Teleprompter! Thanks for gettin' out there guys. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyJim Leherer's eyes are black like a hamsters. I feel him staring into my soul. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyApparently this is hosted by a ventriloquist dummy made to look like Jim Lehrer 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLiberty"I love you schmoopy!" "No I love YOU schmoopy!!!" Then again this is my first attempt at lip reading, so who knows. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyIs that the Constitution on the wall behind them? Can we take bets on who wipes their ass on it first? #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama is already trying to get people to forget the last 3.8 years. It's all about setting goals, people. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: "You can choose the same policies I've been touting, or you can try the same policies only with Magic Underwear. YOUR CHOICE"#Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: "You can choose the same policies I've been touting, or you can try the same policies only with Magic Underwear. YOUR CHOICE"#Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyIf all these women who keep grabbing Romney's arm actually want help from him, they should just reach into his pocket and steal his wallet. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney's plan has 5 partS? I guess he's downgraded from the old "59 Point Plan" of the Primary Days of Yore. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyHaha Romney is accusing Obama of Reaganist theories! Trickle down! BAM! Haymaker! 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLiberty"Race To The Top!" Pretty sure that's an Andy Samberg movie where he skies to the top of a mountain in order to save American Education 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama has blown billions on ill-advised solar investments but still wants to embrace the fiery sphere economically. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyWho wants to guess when one of these two will suggest something they are actually entitled to do under the Constitution? #Debates 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama identifies "central questions" about deficit, foreign policy without saying how we can solve them or what they even are. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney: "Tax cuts? Psssh! I'm a Republican, what makes you think I want a tax cut!" 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney:" No matter how we change the tax code, the Government is still taking in the same money". Ladies and Gents, YOUR 2012 Rep Nominee! 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyI wonder how many jobs are created/sustained by rich people and corporations taking advantage of loopholes? Big accounting firms? 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyWhat is the big black bar in the middle of the candidates? Is there NUDITY under there we can't see? Might liven this debate up. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObamacare will actually bring a massive tax hike to families with children & special needs under Obamacare - approx $3.5k19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney wants to make sure "we" keep getting the revenue "we" need. Personally I need the revenue I earn; pretty sure I'm not the "we". 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama has a deep interest in small business growth...unless they have 51 employees. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyChipmunks keep food in their cheeks...Jim Leherer keeps it in the bags under his eyes. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: We'd have to make drastic cuts What about the $Trillion + of overseas spending? 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney: "More people working, paying MORE TAXES"...ladies and gentleman, YOUR 2012 Republican Nominee! #Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyBTW under Obama foreign aid doubled to approx. $20B...not a bad place to start cutting. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyIs someone keeping track of candidate smirks while the other guy is talking? Is there an over/under on that? 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyBoth these guys think the deficit is exploding because the government doesn't take in enough about STOP SPENDING? #Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyDid a guy who believes in Magic Underwear really just ask for "evidence"? Just checking. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyI would argue that there are several billion ways to cut a deficit, Mitt.#debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRemember when Obama saved us from slipping into a Depression? That was sweet. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama is "Cutting out things that don't help us grow." Like liberty, the right to trial and many other rights removed in the NDAA! #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama fails to mention the main reason the budget was cut so much under Ike...he BROUGHT THE TROOPS HOME. #Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyHaha even Obama is having a hard time providing "contrast" between these two doppelgangers. #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama defending Medicare as a protector of kids with disabilities but Obamacare puts in caps that crush special needs $ … 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: "The oil industry gets $4 Billion per year in subsidies"...more like a few trillion when you include the wars in Iraq, Afghan, etc... 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney nailing Obama on his terrible green investments. In Obama's defense, his Clooney haircut looks fantastic. 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyHuzzah! Shocked and amazed that states rights got into this debate without Ron Paul being included. #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyHow can we not need a "major change" to make sure Social Security is there for the future? What the hell is Obama talking about? 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyWe're talking about the morals behind Medicare? In Candyland, EVERYONE has all the food and $$ and healthcare they want. $$ is no object! 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama 'suspects they have a somewhat similar position on Social Security"....and gov. healthcare mandates, wars, NDAA, The Fed....#debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney: "If you're 60 or 65 you don't need to listen any further". Can we lower the age limit on this just a bit? 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyGotta love Romney slamming Obama for cutting a government program...ladies and gents, YOUR 2012 Republican Nominee!#Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyDoes Mitt's flag pin have a spy camera in it? Dart launcher? WHAT IS THAT? It is driving me CRAZY. #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyAS far as I can tell Obama's entire economic policy is based on a single case study of his grandmother. Was it double blind???#Debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney: i don't want the government making decisions about insurance for anyone...unless they live in Massachusetts. #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyIf only Arnold Schwarzeneggar was a Presidential candidate we could have...MediQUAIDE!!! 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLiberty@C_Seeburger In Romney's case does that stand for "Prisoner of Wealth" ? "Man in Armani"? 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyMuch like ObamaCare, Romney wants to "keep the good" of Dodd-Frank. There is no "good" in central government planning. Where's Gary? #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyOh now I get it....Romney is for free markets because he wants CLEARER Regulations, that's the problem , y'see! #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyListening to Lehrer is like watching an old person haggle at a flea market. #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney hates government healthcare...on a Federal level. #debate 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyEveryone seems to agree "costs are skyrocketing"....I've yet to hear anyone mention WHY....government subsidization of health + THE FED 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: Government can't jerk you around...except at the airport.#debate #EndTheTSA 19hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyOBAMA IS THE PRESIDENT AND GETS AS MUCH TIME AS HE WANTS!!! (bam! drone strike at Jim Lehrer's house) #debate 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyTHIS is why Romney should not be nominee....Obama can list Romney's big government creds all day long. #debate 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyOh I get it, the entire problem with Obamacare is just the WAY it was passed. Got it. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney is dropping study references on Obama like Obama drops bombs on other nations during our multiple undeclared wars. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney wants to "repeal and replace" Obamacare, yet is touring how similar, yet better his own program is. Ridiculous. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyThat "thump" in the background was lady Liberty hanging herself.#debate Just like the "Wizard of Oz" midget. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney believes in the free market so much that he knows only the government can make it do what it's gotsta do. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyBarry: "Insurance gotta take everybody". I have nothing to add. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney: "Make a number, any number". Is he an illusionist now? 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyThings you won't hear asked about: Fast and Furious, NDAA, The Federal Reserve.... 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLiberty"Is NOT. Is TOO." Your 2012 Presidential #Debate18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyJim Lehrer constantly looks like he is blowing kisses. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: "The first goal of the Federal Government is to keep the people safe.." What better way than to indefinitely detain them!#NDAA 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama wants to hire 100k Math and Science teachers. Oh, and also 40K more IRS agents for Obamacare. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyThe winner of this election will be the candidate that brings in the biggest dumptruck of teachers. #debate 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyI just realized this debate is taking place in Saul Goodman's office.#debate #breakingbad 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyMitt loves our massive military and our foreign policy of bases round the world that spur terrorists to attack us and cost us billions. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLiberty@countmonster Obama will rip his mike out of the podium, yell "I Killed Osama! Peace out, ya'll!" and drop the mic in his closer. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama just summed up the student loan problem "There was no risk for the banks or lenders". They all know bailouts will come if needed. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyHey here's Romney touting what he WON"T cut again. So far the only things he's actually said he will cut is....Jim Lehrer. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyJim Lehrer's explanation of how much time is left has taken up all the remaining time. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyMitt: "As President, I will sit down on day one..." Awesome, Mittens.#debate 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyRomney on his record in Mass: "Hey' it was all politics! Don't worry, when it's President Time I'll be REALLY FOR, for real." 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama again repeating the Iraq Lie....Obama fought tooth and nail to keep troops there, Bush agreement required we leave, mercs still there 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama is dropping "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in there during closer - not a big reaction from the crowd. Should have held debate in San Fran. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama: "Leadership is saying what you are for and also saying no to things." What else can you say about that? 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama's Bigest Lie of the Night: "This has been a great debate" 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama loves the auto workers who work so hard and take so much pride in building those cars..YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT! 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyObama has golfed as hard as a man can golf on behalf of the middle class. #debate 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyYou know what America I want, Mitt? A FREE one. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyDid they draw an extra eyebrow wrinkle on Mitt's brow? Is he wearing eyebrow mascara? #debate 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertySo Mitt, just please businesses create jobs or does government? This is like playing pin the tail on the donkey. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyIn case anyone was wondering, no, whiskey does not make debates easier to sit through. It just gives you more pee break excuses. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyMitt will not cut our military budget. HeI will keep America strong...ABROAD. Because spending billions on foreign soil helps the mid class. 18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyHaha poor Jim Lehrer is standing all alone...  18hLions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyReally, I could see any one of Mitt's sons replacing @ScottDisick with none of the Kardashians even noticing.  Lions of Liberty ‏@LionsofLibertyTonight we learned that Obama believes in a crap load of government , and Romney believes in a boat load of government. 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