Lions of Liberty

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School Districts Now Confiscating Certain Snack Foods

 If you've followed any of my writings about the government's food policy in educational institutions, you know it's a sore subject with me. But at least the government limited its intrusions into what children were or were not allowed to eat to the menu that school provided, or the snacks it stocked in its vending machines. Certain school districts in CA, NY and Illinois have now gone so far as to ban one specific snack: Spicy Cheetos, which will be CONFISCATED from children who bring them to school, according to one Pasadena district. From KTLA:

The principal of Andrew Jackson Elementary School in Pasadena said if students are caught bringing Flamin' Hot Cheetos to school, the snacks will be confiscated.

Why? Because the school has decided that the fat content and amount of sodium are too high for children to be eating them. The Huffington Post reports:

The main reason cited by these schools for the ban is a lack of nutritional value. One snack-size bag contains 26 grams of fat and a quarter of the amount of sodium recommended for an entire day.

Like virtually any junk snack food, it is not intended to be a staple of a child's diet, and obviously parent is providing only Cheetos to their children. What's simply inexcusable is for a government run institution to decide what legal foodstuffs are "too fatty" for someone else's children. If I put a legal, edible product into my child's lunch bag, which I have paid for with my hard earned money, I would expect it to remain in that bag until my child either consumed it or threw it out. To have some food gestapo march up to my kid, embarass them in front of the entire class/school and STEAL their food is grounds for a lawsuit.  People talk about bullying in schools - how about this type of bullying by government snack S.S.? That worries me a lot more.It's these little intrusions into liberty that continue to happen, over and over again that are so terrifying. Why? Because people don't take them seriously. They don't realize that any infringement on your liberty is a big deal and that the government will notice that no one is up in arms over this one instance and take that as a cue to do it more. Hitler didn't take over half the world overnight. He did it bit by bit, and was allowed his little gains until it was too late. Protect your liberties, people. Or you will end up with nothing left.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!