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Final 2012 Presidential Debate Tweet-Cap

Our last (and best?) Live Tweeting of the final presidential debate of 2012 has come to an end. In case you missed all of the lies, smarmy chuckles and ignorance as to the actual role of the POTUS that was on display, we've captured them all here, in tweeted form. Hope you enjoy the read, as we've enjoyed the effort.- Wouldn't it be nice to have a non-US media #2012debate moderator once? BBC? We'd take a talking crab from under the sea at this point- The 3rd Presidential Debate - LIVE from Bob Schieffer's retirement home in Boca Raton, Florida- Bob Schieffer will try to keep control over (in order): both candidates; his bowels; his grip on our mortal plane. #2012debate- Is this the 2nd most or 3rd most awkward time Bob Schieffer has shared a table with a black guy and a mormon? #2012Debate- Bob Schieffer is staring a hole through my soul.- It's going to be very difficult to get through this without mentioning Bob Schieffer in every tweet....#Debate- Let me save you all the trouble on Libya - it's called Blowback, and those crazy libertarians have been talking about it for years. #Debate- Wait, why don't we get to see the toss???? That would have been the highlight! And what are they tossing???- In case you were wondering, "the toss" for first speaker is actually a midget toss. #2012debate- A Mali reference! This guy Romney fella sure did his homework...but can he find it on a map?- Nothing helps to reject extremism like blowing up those with extreme measures during undeclared wars. #2012debate- Obama: "My job as commander in chief is to keep the people safe" - Nope. It's to follow the Constitution. Thanks for playing. #Debate- Obama wants to say hi to our new friends in Libya, Syria and Lebanon! #2012debate- If Obama wants to go after people who kill Americans, shouldn't he be going after himself for killing Americans in drone strikes? #debate- America under either Romney & Obama will look like an episode of "Dog the Bounty Hunter" for terrorists. #2012debate- So much for that secret "no reaction shots" agreement...#debate- Mitt Romney claims he doesn't want another Iraq or Afghanistan while he cheerleads for a war with Iran. Maybe he thinks it's Mali. #debate- How about instead of pairing foreign aid with bombing runs, we pull our bases out of the Middle East and stay out of their politics?- "Hi, I'm Mitt Romney, and I memorized the population of every Middle East and North African country" 10 minutes ago. #debate- In Romney's defense, he had just watched "Rocky IV" right before the "Russia" comment...#debate- Putin rejected the "restart" nuke agreement that has been in place for 20 years under Obama's watch. How is the Cold War over? #2012debate-Obama would not leave 10,000 troops in Iraq...only mercenaries making 5x as much are acceptable. #debate- Romney accurately nails Obama about Status of Forces Agreement to stay in Afghanistan. Not that's he's any different #2012debate- What's funny is that the Obama admin fought tooth and nail to keep troops in Iraq; now he touts the fact that they aren't..even tho they are- Obama is on #5 of a list on something or other? Wow I'm really fading in and out here...- Obama wants to nation build in the US like overseas. With NDAA he already IS! War on US citizens, indefinite detention, etc. #2012debate- Obama just admitted on national TV he support the Syrian rebels, which are largely comprised of Al Qaeda members. #debate- Obama doesn't want to put arms in the hands of the wrong people in Syria. Not like we just did in Mexico with Fast & Furious. #2012debate- Romney fails to mention that the so-called rebels are responsible for just as many if not more massacres than Assad. EVERY TIME the US has provided arms to help overthrow a regime it comes back to hurt us! We gave Osama Bin Laden weapons! #2012debate- Obama is mobilizing "humanitarian support" for Syria, always a euphemism for guns and bombs...and maybe some butter.- Romney just wants to make sure that we give enough weapons to oust Assad...definitely won't come back to bite us...#2012debate- Obama: "America should stand with Democracy"...and that's why we send money to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait....- Obama wants to support "democracy." Unless those elections result in leaders we don't like, in which case we don't recognize them. #debate- Thanks for pointing out that people of all nations want food, shelter and jobs, Obama. Jack Handy writing his speaking points? #2012debate- The government organizing "entrepreneurship conferences" is like Charles Manson sponsoring "young actress conferences" #debate- Romney: "We want a peaceful planet"...and we'll bomb the whole place until everyone agrees! #debate- Romney: "The "mantle of leadership" has fallen to America. We didn't ask for it." Hell no, we TOOK IT! BAM! 'MERICA! #2012debate- Romney thinks it's America's role to end conflicts and bring peace to the world. Possibly most flawed, insane, egotistical stance ever.- Funny how Romney recognizes that the "peace" candidate always wins while advocating a more aggressive foreign policy. #2012debate- And just like that, we're back to the same old talking points. That was a fun 15 minutes of new thought, snuffed out now. #2012debate- Obama wants to retrain the workers for the jobs of tomorrow...Groping 101 starts this Monday Wednesday at 10 AM in the Rose Garden. #debate- Obama is desperately trying to point out he isn't George Bush, yet has continued his foreign policy to a "T." (for Terrorists) #2012debate- Anyone notice how Romney continually tries to divert the debate away from foreign policy and back to "fixing the economy"? #2012debate- What America needs to compete, Mr. Obama, is leaders that don't stifle businesses and people through overtaxation and massive government- Obama will order the FED to print more math and science teachers. #2012debate- And now we're talking about education? Did everyone forget this was a foreign policy debate? Wake up, Bob!!! #2012debate- Bob Scheiffer wants to get back to foreign policy. Barring that, a deep discussion on "Matlock." #2012debate- Romney: "You got that fact wrong". Pot. Kettle. Black. #2012debate- It's a joke to talk about cutting the "discretionary" budget, which doesn't include SS or Miedicare, NOR the military. Whats left? BigBIrd?- BTW, America's Navy has a "Green Fleet" that is one of the biggest wastes of money our government has ever pissed away. Romney: "GIVE me this program!" . That about sums up his view of government. It works...when HE runs it. #2012debate- Obama PROUDLY stating military spending went up every year he has been in office. George Bush just got erect watching this. #2012debate- Obama wants to think about Cybersecurity and SPACE! WE MUST PROTECT THE SPICE! #2012debate- DAMN! Only 42 minutes till Romney busted out the "Olympics!" I just lost $1200 in Vegas.- Again...Romney: President has to protect our SAFETY. Not our LIBERTY. Would you rather be safe or free? #2012debate- Ok, you got me. The "horses and bayonets" comment was pretty good. Back to regularly scheduled loathing now. #2012debate- Obama wants to make sure we can meet all our domestic defense needs (tiny) while keeping our empire & occupation needs filled. #2012debate- Half way and I'm already running on fumes...Scotch save me now!- Obama bragging about sanctions destroying the Iranian economy vs. the guy who just wants to bomb them sums up scope of FP debate in US.- Iran would never attack the US with nukes. They are years from ANY bomb, let alone a rocket that can reach us. #2012debate- Uh oh, Schieff Dog is bringing up "secret talks" with Iran while channeling Jerry Seinfeld with "What's The Deal?" #2012Debate- Discussion on what sushi to order is more valuable than anything I have heard these candidates say tonight. #2012debate- Romney wants crippling sanctions, yet despite crippling sanctions he calls the Obama policies "weakness" So what is strength? Bombs?- "We're 4 years closer to a nuclear Iran". Again, what would he do? Start a war? This is when Romney goes from seeming bad to outright scary- Obama supports women's rights...and that's why he has a 17 year old girl on his kill list. Romney doesn't want to go into hypotheticals about Israel and Iran. Could give away his strategy on the new Iran war, day 1 of Presidency.- The economic ignorance just annoys me...but the war mongering really really gets under my skin. Hot under the collar, you might say. #debate- Obama and "Diplomatic Pressure" is an oxymoron. Obama and Drone we're talking. #2012debate- Fun when the peace candidate is the one touting his crippling sanctions and violating other countries sovereignty.- You know what they say..when Obama "closures" an Osama Bin Door, he opens an Osama Bin Window to keep Afghan occupation going! #2012debate- The "next segment", Bob? It's ALL ONE SEGMENT!!! I'd kill for a Twinkees commercial right now.- The KEY what would you do for a Klondike Bar? Bomb Iran? Indefinitely hold US Citizens? #2012debate- Why are we constantly providing aid to all of these foreign nations? It does nothing- So Romney is openly advocating using foreign aid as a bribe to get coerce other countries into doing what we want. Obama counter? "me too"- Obama: Why should Americans die when Afghans are perfectly capable of dying? I kill them with drones all the time!- Whuh oh! Obama just said "pulling out responsibly." That's a form of birth control and the religious right isn't going to like it- The best way to prevent PTSD in Vets? Don't send them off to occupy other countries.- If you're enjoying our tweets, please give us a like on Facebook, where we post our articles, links, pics, etc. Romney was more interesting when he was telling me the population of Egypt and Mali.- Can't wait for Pakistan's gov. to have some issues, so we can then give the Taliban there guns to overthrow said government. #2012debate- Twelve drones a droning- Romney is a big fan of drones! He and Obama share another passion. Not only abroad but also here at home! #2012debate- DING DING DING! DRINK! They said one of the banned phrases, "Drone". Obama wants to make a difference in people's lives day to Pakistan, Yemen..and have a "free market." But not HERE, dammit!- Alexis Rose Bank ‏@icanhasbailout @LionsofLiberty eleven indefinite detentions / Retweeted by @LionsofLiberty- In Obama's world, a military junta in Egypt = "Democracy", a government run by thugs and Al Qaeda in Libya = "the people". #2012debate- FUTURE CHALLENGES!! OOOOH LET'S TALK ABOUT SPACE SOME MORE....shoot me. #2012Debate- Al Qaeda is weaker and have less weapons than they did before Obama came into office..until he just gave them more in Syria. #2012debate- FULLSCREEN OBAMA! WATCH OUT! #2012Debate- How about "free trade" . Then we don't need to waste millions of taxpayer dollars filing "trade complaints"- Stop name dropping states, Obama! #2012debate- Obama attacking "cheap tires" from China. Why are they cheap? Why can't we compete? Heaven forbid the consumer pays less for tires.- Romney's one good quality is his stance on government & biz. Government creates NOTHING. Need a shower after admitting it. #2012debate- The Secretary of Defense calls 1 Trillion in cuts "devastating." We call it baby steps in the right direction. #2012debate- The Chinese are hacking our computers, stealing our babies in the night, and replacing our loved ones with pod people! #2012debate- Romney ironically slams "cheating" by China. Remember how you got the Republican nomination, Mittens? Romney:" They're TAKING OUR JOBS!" Imagining what Romney would look like with Obama's haircut and vice versa..I recommend it, helps pass the time. #2012debate- New American Media ‏@American_Media_@icanhasbailout @LionsofLiberty Ten Amendments crying /  Retweeted by Lions of Liberty- The "live star" makes it looks like Mitt is a Sheriff and the "CBS eye' makes Obama look like Iron Man. #QuotesFromRay- Take away the split-screen and Obomney looks like Giant Two Headed Fascist Monster- Romney is a liar. NO ONE likes American cars. #2012debate- Romney: "Bush wrote the checks! I'm from Detroit, 8 Mile!"- Obama is pulling a Kanye West again..."I'ma let you finish...but..." #2012debate- Oh Romney would provide "guarantees" , not "bailouts". Got it.- Tesla Shout Out from Romney! He just watched the Illusionist before the debate, and after Rocky IV.- Alexis Rose Bank ‏@icanhasbailout @American_Media_ @LionsofLiberty nine justices misruling / Retweeted by Lions of Liberty- Again...isn't this a Foreign Policy Debate?????- Why is liquidation of auto companies so bad? Sell off the plants & brands to other, stronger companies. Chrysler is doing fine. #2012debate- Is Mitt about to cry?- Mitt Romney met a guy who was weeping! THAT's why he was about to cry! He learned it from him! #2012debate- If that was Bob's idea of "vigorous", I feel sorry for Mrs. Schieffer...too easy, I know #2012debate- Obama boldly wants to build on America's strengths rather than our crippling weaknesses. #2012debate- I don't know what Obama is going to do with 4 more years in office. There aren't that many countries left to start wars with. #2012debate- Does Romney have gel in his eyebrows? #2012debate- Romney not only "got along" with the other side of the aisle...he lived there. #2012debate- Mitt Romney 2012: A New Hope- "Hope and Change" has been replaced with "Hope of the Earth!" #2012debate- Post debate giggles and smiles? CHECK. #2012debate- I wonder what kind of scotch Obama and Romney share after debates? This Sheep Dip blended is a delight. #2012debateReceive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!