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The AnCap Recap!

Regular readers of this site will know that in the past 2 months I've been writing a series discussing the concepts of anarcho-capitalism. This is the idea of a completely stateless society where ownership of all capital is private. Essentially, anarcho-capitalism takes the concepts of libertarianism and the non-aggression principle to their logical and consistent philosophical conclusion.The basic design of my initial articles were based around the first few lectures of a course at the Mises Academy taught by economist and author of Chaos Theory: Two Essays On Market Anarchy, Robert Murphy.I plan to explore these concepts further in the coming weeks and months, but for newer readers or those that just need a refresher, here are my initial posts on anarcho-capitalism, submitted for your review.I explained why I think it is important to explore the concepts of anarcho-capitalism in my initial post, Why Anarcho-Capitalism? In Part I of Private Law, I make the Case Against Monopoly for a legal system.In Part II of Private Law, I attempt to answer the question, How Can It Work? Moving on to the concepts of Private Defense, we start out by first looking at how the free market could supply Police Protection in an AnCap Society.Finally, I explore the difficult subject of Private Military Defense under anarcho-capitalism.To fully embrace the ideas of anarcho-capitalism can be a giant leap for many people.  Our society has been cultivated to believe that government should provide everything from roads to education to quality control of food products.  It can be difficult enough to convince the average person to even consider that the free market could provide these things, let alone convince them that the State should cease to exist all together! Even many passionate libertarians have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that the free market could effectively provide things like courts and military defense.My intent of these posts is not to necessarily explain every single possible facet of anarcho-capitalism, but to introduce others to the concepts as I myself learn more and more about them.  It is one thing to believe that morally the State is inefficient and immoral; it is another thing all together to be able to effectively argue logically for just how society would function without the existence of a State.My hope is that these articles and future articles on the subject of anarcho-capitalism will spark some debate and open up some minds to the ideas that might have previously been adverse to them. This is where you, the reader, comes in.I have some ideas for future posts, but I'd like to let your feedback guide me. What points did I miss in my initial posts? What are your biggest objections to anarcho-capitalism? What are the biggest flaws you see in the concept? Is there a particular subject you'd like me to explore next?If you have a question or suggestion, please let me know.  You can leave a comment below, post on our Facebook wall, send us a tweet, or you can just drop me an email.  Contact me however you like - after all, this is a website about liberty!Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!