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Friday Fun With Clueless Voters

A couple quick videos to entertain you on what is otherwise (at least for me) a dreadfully slow Friday afternoon.  Nothing seems to entertain (and frighten) quite as much as the clueless American electorate. Our first video comes courtesy of the Jimmy Kimmel Show, where some folks in Hollywood are asked who they thought won the (fictional) "First Lady Debate".  These Hollywood trendies (and living here in LA-LA land I can attest that these people are all too real) either imagine that they actually saw this debate or just flat out lie and give their opinion on this event that never occurred.Second, we come to a video courtesy of Luke Rudkowski and the folks at We Are Change. Luke interviews self-professed Obama supporters and lists a number of policies supported by "Romney", which in reality are all things Obama has done. It's quite revealing hearing supporters express disdain for policies that they hear are from "Romney", and then express either outrage or flat out denial and backpedalling when hearing it is in fact, Obama's policies that have been described to them. My favorite is the "pacifist" woman who "isn't entirely caught up on Middle Easter foreign policy".It truly sums up the state of the left-right paradigm that has pervaded the minds of the populace. Policies are bad if and only if they are done by the "other side", be it left or right, and only good when done by "their guy". Some people are just confused when they find out these are Obama policies, while others try to backtrack or flat out deny this.It did seem that a few people took pause finding out that that Obama and Romney both have policies that they should, based on their stated beliefs, abhor. Thanks to good folks like Luke Rudkowski taking to the streets and trying to open up some minds, one clueless voter at a time.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!