The Silver Lining To The Obama Victory


This will have to be a short post, because there really isn't much good I can see coming from an Obama administration.  Of course, everything wrong with the Obama administration was sure to be present in a Romney administration: Drone strikes, Kill lists, indefinite detention, a policy of foreign meddling, government control of health care, and indefinite monetary expansion courtesy of Buzz Bernankyear and the Federal Reserve. The only thing Romney added was possibly an even more aggressive foreign policy and a war with Iran, which we may very well get anyway.  If the actions of Romney and the Republican leadership at the RNC were any indication, a Romney administration may have been one of the most totalitarian regimes of all time.At least Obama will be out in four years.  An open field may open an opportunity for the many Ron Paul and liberty-minded folks who have taken leadership positions in state and local Republican parties may be able to have some real influence on the process. If Romney were victorious it would confirm that those kooky liberty folks never mattered anyway, and with the new anti-grassroots rules pushed through at the RNC it would be very difficult for them to have any influence.  Now they are in the driver's seat; the establishment hacks who helped push Mitt Romney will be discredited, and hopefully many will leave with their tales between their legs, down the party hack memory hole.  And if we do see a huge economic downturn in 2013 as many smart people like Peter Schiff are predicting, at least it won't be blamed on the "free market" as it surely would if it occurred during a Romney presidency.So I am sympathetic with the idea that Obama may be a lesser evil to many, and that a Romney loss may very well be reason to celebrate.What I don't understand are those who actively cheer Obama, and cry "FOUR MORE YEARS!!!". Do these people have any idea what they are cheering? Indefinite detention of Americans, a private banking cartel quite literally stealing from us, scores of innocent lives murdered both in "collateral" damage and by direct dictatorial decree, gun running to Mexican drug cartels, Monsanto running the FDA, Federal control of every aspect of your health, drones patrolling our skies...

The only good thing from tonight is that Romney lost.But let's not pretend Obama winning is some sort of glorious relief to the woes ahead of us.Get healthy. Buy some gold and silver. And for the love of all that's holy get to know your neighbors. You're going to need them.
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