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Obamacare: Private Sector Jobs Lost to IRS Worker Drones

As the Obamabots of the Liberal zombie hoard celebrate the re-election of what I personally consider to be the president who has done the most to strip Americans of their basic civil liberties, his unconstitutional healthcare mandate continues to roll out. The EPJ has an interesting tidbit emailed in from a reader in Ohio that shows some of the impact that Obamacare will have on jobs in the private sector:

"Obamacare Cost Me My Job"

 An EPJ reader emails:

I work for the oldest and largest health insurer in the state of Ohio in the underwriting department. At 9 a.m.this morning, my department (about 50) were called into a meeting in the executive boardroom. We were informed that due to a provision in the healthcare 'reform' effective 2014 called guarantee issue, our services would no longer be needed, and we were offered severance  So Obama got to keep his job, and we lost ours. It is maddening that some tyrant 400 miles away can have such a ruinous effect on peoples lives.

So not only is Obamacare going to raise the cost of insurance nationwide and give the government a foothold into telling U.S. Citizens what they can or can't eat/drink, etc in the name of keeping  us "healthy,"  but it's also costing the private sector jobs in fields related to healthcare. Where will those jobs be going? Why, to the government, of course! With Obamacare requiring a minimum of 40,000 new IRS agents, our "The Blob" style government is expanding its mass at the expense of the private sector. This means more people on the government dole, which means more people voting to keep the status-quo and continue the expansion of government. I don't have hard stats, but I would guess that for every single person feeding off the government's teat, it would equal the voting power of 2+ average citizens, because government workers make sure to vote for candidates that keep their money coming uninterrupted, and will band together to vote against any threat to that. Even if it's going to bankrupt our country in the long run. Voter apathy is something for the private sector to be concerned about. The public sector is quite motivated.There is another bite to take from this statement as well - the elimination of underwriters, who assess the level of risk for agencies. Under Obamacare there is no "need" for these people, as everyone gets coverage and there is no "risk." Without the ability to mitigate risk, everyone will have to pay more to cover the costs of exploding levels of highly costly patients added to insurance rosters.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon![amazon_image id="0963233661" link="true" target="_blank" size="medium" ]Healing Our World: In an Age of Aggression[/amazon_image]     [amazon_image id="0895291932" link="true" target="_blank" size="medium" ]Be Your Own Doctor: A Positive Guide to Natural Living[/amazon_image]     [amazon_image id="1591201381" link="true" target="_blank" size="medium" ]Fire Your Doctor! How to Be Independently Healthy[/amazon_image]     [amazon_image id="1477456058" link="true" target="_blank" size="medium" ]The DocNet: A Free Market Solution To Replace Obamacare: And The Plan To Save America's Healthcare From Socialized Medicine and Government Control[/amazon_image]