Mondays With Murray: Rothbard On The Drug War

Despite our arduous quest to answer every single one of Ron Paul's 32 questions to Congress, we still must pause to make our weekly blogging pilgrimage to one of the greatest communicators of the ideas of liberty in history, Murray Rothbard. That's right, Mondays with Murray is back yet again!Let's get right into it this week, with a clip of Rothbard speaking on the drug war.Rothbard accurately describe the war as "a war they can never win - it's perfect"! This accurately describes the intent of the war on drugs.  It is not meant as some winnable war where one day the U.S . government will declare "victory", as Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine and LSD march out with treaty in hand and salute the Commander In Chief before signing the terms of surrender.  That would be crazy, of course, but no crazier than the idea that the government can fight a "war" on certain substances that an individual may choose to put in his body.Rothbard finishes by saying that "the whole thing is so crazy, it's gotta bust up, and we can be in the vanguard of that and we oughta get off our tails and do something".   It may have taken some time, but the American public is finally beginning to awaken to how inhumane and wasteful it is to put sick people in jail for using medical marijuana.  As some U.S. states begin to legalize the herb, and more and more states discuss the idea, it will open up the greater conversation of the absurdity of the larger war on drugs.All of the moral and practical reasons to legalize marijuana apply to every other substance just the same.  The issue at hand is not one of the cost vs. benefit analysis of a particular substance; rather it is about the freedom to choose what goes in one's own body.  This is an issue that, if framed properly, most people should be able to libertarian side of.  We just have to keep "getting off our tails" and doing something about it (and maybe sharing this post and the wise words of Murray Rothbard with a friend is a good way to start!).Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!                              


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