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Obama's "Drone Warfare RuleBook" Plus The Rush For Drone Permits (TMZ Too!)

"Cyber Monday" really went literal this year, as our cyber-pals in the sky - the DRONES - are all the rage this week. Two quick hits on Drone warfare: the first in a militarized sense and the second in regards to our privacy.

  • Obama's "Drone Warfare Rulebook" - Obama's administration, Drone-bros to the core and huge supporters of illegal assassinations performed by the aerial snipers, is working on a "Drone Warfare Rulebook," according to the New York Times. They will conveniently lay out exactly when it's OK to perform an illegal assassination via drone attack without the trappings of "little"things like a trial in court, and when it's not. Naturally this is hilarious in its very nature, as any assassination without trial is of course unlawful and in violation of basic liberty. But when Der Fuhrer Obama claims that assassinations are OK during the 3rd trimester of his cousin's forthcoming child (or whatever made up conditions they invent), who are we, the citizens of the United States, to say otherwise? We're just the little people.
  • Drones Galore! - Even though it violates the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, the droning of America is moving forward at a fevered pace. Not only are law enforcement agencies using drones in addition to our federal security agencies, but now private companies are getting in on the act as well. The House has an official "Drone Caucus" that holds as its sole purpose, the goal of pushing forward the agenda of blacking out the sun through the use of drones (more or less.) From the SF Chronicle:

Purpose of 'drone caucus'

Cuellar also said the purpose of the House caucus is to educate other members on the need for and uses of drones for public safety, border enforcement, search-and-rescue and commercial uses. The global market for drones is expected to double in the next decade, from $6.6 billion to $11.4 billion, and could top $2.4 billion in the United States alone, said Philip Finnegan, director of corporate analysis with the Teal Group, an independent research group that studies the industry.

How much money are these hacks in congress getting to push this agenda from the manufacturers of drone technology? Eight Texas House members received $746,000-plus and five caucus members from New York got more than $400,000 from companies connected to the business of unmanned vehicles. That's some walking around money.
Private companies can apply to use drones under the new laws passed and among them is everyone's favorite invasion of privacy, TMZ. Naturally, every other paparazzi, magazine, TV show, etc will also flood the skies soon enough with these unmanned intrusions, so I hope everyone put a "Red Rider BB Gun with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time" on their Christmas list. Because we're going to have to shoot down quite a few mechanical menaces in the near future.
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