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Why Do We Get Involved In Border Disputes While Ignoring The Most Deadly Border In The World?

{Editor’s Note: This is the 13th installment of a series of articles attempting to address the 32 questions posed by Ron Paul in his recent farewell speech given in front of Congress. Check out the previous installment, “Why Haven’t We Given Up On The Drug War?”}The Republican and Democratic Parties share an affinity for a global presence of the United States military.  The numbers vary, depending on what qualifies as a military base, but most national security experts agree that the United States has over 900 military bases in 130 countries.  Apparently, the Pentagon is hesitant to label anything a base in Afghanistan or Iraq because of negative political connotations.  It is ridiculous that our government thinks that as long as they don’t declare military bases, then Afghans and Iraqis will not mind our military occupying their country.  It is incredible that the ruling class in this country has the audacity to speak such nonsense.Democrats desire to police the world and influence policy in foreign countries.  This should not be surprising and aligns with their domestic policies that aim to influence the economy in the direction they choose by way of stimulus and subsidies.  In contrast, Republican rhetoric espouses a domestic policy of small government with minimal intervention in the marketplace.  Of course, once in power, Republicans use force to grow the size and scope of government to their liking.Shockingly, Republicans continue to be elected by running on a message that touts a government that will stay out of your business at home, but will in interfere in the affairs of foreign nations.  At least the Democrats are consistent in their message and honest that they endorse government intervention in all aspects of life.  Most modern day Republicans on the other hand, run on a very conflicted platform.  How can someone believe that the same government, which is not apt to centrally plan the affairs of the United States (they would be correct), somehow is fit to manage affairs of hundreds of countries around the world?  If the government can’t even manage the US Postal Service, how the heck are they going to assist Afghanistan with building a free nation?The map below shows countries that currently have United State military bases and countries that could soon host bases, if proposals are approved.

The United States government has no problem expanding military operations across the globe, yet they remain idle as a horrific Drug War rages on the southern border of this country.  Between Mexican President Felipe Calderón’s late 2006 election and January 2012, 47,515 people had been killed in drug-related violence.Why do we sacrifice so much getting needlessly involved in border disputes and civil strife around the world and ignore the root cause of the most deadly border in the world-the one between Mexico and the US?Recently, as we have attempted the arduous task of answering Ron Paul’s 32 questions, several of our articles have attempted to explained the forces that drive the United States government to intervene in the politics of other nations and the reasons behind the war on drugs.  You've already heard our view, so let’s examine the view held by the ruling elite, and look at an interview Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave to Denise Maerker of Televisa while visiting Mexico in February 2011.

Maerker: In Mexico, there are those who propose not keeping going with this battle and legalize drug trafficking and consumption. What is your opinion? Clinton: I don't think that will work. I mean, I hear the same debate. I hear it in my country. It is not likely to work. There is just too much money in it, and I don't think that—you can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped.

This interview reinforces that the ruling class in this country either does not understand how markets operate or have purposely created conditions not conducive to peace and prosperity.  Money is made in the drug trade because it is illegal.  Attempting to stop individuals, gangs, or cartels that are making money in drug trafficking will only escalate the level of violence and increase the value of the illegal drugs on the black market.  If drugs were legalized in the United States, the legs would be cut out from under the Mexican drug cartels.  There would not be any money to be made because their product would have significantly less value, as black markets would no longer be necessarily to acquire it.

For an even better description, let’s look back to one of the 3,000 Republican Primary Presidential Debates. The man himself, Ron Paul, dishes some common sense that confuses the other candidates and leads to a dramatic question from Blitz Wolfer (as Herman Cain calls him).

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