On 1/20/13 Make My Day - By Opting Out & Filming The TSA!


We here at this little libertarian website have provided no shortage of in depth coverage of the abuses of the TSA.  Whether it's detailing my own Memorial Day groping and subsequent conversation with a TSA supervisor, or pointing out how the TSA's policies are just another example of the follies of central planning, this three lettered government bureaucracy seems to find itself in our crosshairs fairly often. This is of course with good reason, as they are on the front lines in representing the rapidly expanding police state , and are certainly the most obtrusive example of it for those who travel by air.  Nowadays it is nearly impossible to get on a commercial airplane without either having to submit to a full body scanner, which produces a near nude to nude image with questionable and unknown health consequences, or submit to a groping that would surely qualify as sexual assault anywhere outside the confines of the TSA security zone.Having myself endured humiliation at the hands of the TSA, I'm especially exited to join with WeAre1776.org in promoting their "Opt Out & Film The TSA" monthly protest, the first of which takes place on January 20th, 2013. Please take the time to visit the Facebook page for group and also check out the event page for this first protest on January 20th.Events like these are an excellent opportunity to not only throw a cog in the wheels of the State, but to educate people on things like body scanners and their rights while at an airport.  Many casual travelers not as "looped in" like many of our readers may be often don't really have any idea what they are walking through or what their rights are.  Videos taken can be instantly thrown up on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and even MySpace if anyone still does that!People often ask "But what can I do about it?". It is true that nothing will change until the will of the masses changes, and the first thing you can do is help to reach those very masses! So on January 20, consider printing out some of these flyers, head to your local airport, and participate in Opt Out & Film The TSA!Opt Out & FilmReceive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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