Obama's Orders: Turn Doctors Into Government Spies


President and would-be Dictator Obama once again tapped into his favorite tactic of oppression for the cessation of rights from the American people, the Executive Order, to attack gun ownership in the United States. However, do to that damnable enemy of his - the Constitution - Obama can't directly ban guns in the way he would like. Instead he's taking a roundabout path, which could result not only in the loss of legally owned firearms, but also in the release of what was formerly a protected matter of personal privacy - your health records - and the redefining of "sanity" as dictated by the federal government. Let's look at a few pertinent orders and explore their intent, stated or otherwise, and then sum it all up and tie it off with a bow.- Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system. With Obamacare, federal agencies are involved in quite a bit more of our lives than they would have been previously, but this could also include any local police force, Homeland Security, etc - an entire legion of government cronies who define what relevant means. Will a misdemeanor in your town for public urination disqualify you from gun ownership? Will the government spooks decide that sharing an article on Facebook that criticizes FBI raids on Raw Milk farms constitutes "relevant" data that could label you as a danger in a background check? Who knows how far this could go.- Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system. So Obama wants to tear down these "unnecessary" legal barriers (protections for you and me) relating to the HIPAA, including Protected Health Information, which is supposed to be a completely private matter between you and your health practitioner.- Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.I don't even know what this means - are they going to be sending dancing girls and barrels full of cash to states that provide the "relevant data" that the federal government so craves?- Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. Why would your doctor ever ask you if you had a gun in your home? He wouldn't unless it were something that was mandated by the government, maybe due to the "mental health parity regulations" that Obama also brings up. More on that below.- Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.This pertains to clinical practitioners and psychiatrists, which fall under Obamacare and general medicine, as psychiatrists are MDs. Basically, Obama is stripping away the doctor-patient privilege from American citizens. You can no longer speak frankly, as Obama is making it very clear to them that it is only their foolish moral standards of decency that prevent them from squealing to the Feds should you exhibit any sort of anger towards the government or local law enforcement. So if you believe in the benefits of psychiatry (which I personally don't in general, however in certain extreme cases, medication is beneficial) this Executive Order will damage the ability of those mental health professionals to care for their patients, as those patients can no longer be candid in therapy, thus eliminating the point of going to therapy. - Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.This is the bow I was referring to which ties all of this together. By redefining "mental health parity" our government can label anyone outside the mainstream, spoon-fed masses as a psychotic radical. Those who are simply people who have issues with the government and voice them online - criticizing or "blaming" the government could be defined as criteria to label someone as unstable and having mental issues, and thus ineligible to own a gun - or even worse, taken from their homes and confined without trial in a psychiatric hospital. This handy info graphic below, which aired on Fox News, was taken from the Dept. of Homeland Security and pretty plainly lays out how low the bar is for you to be considered a danger by the government. It's already begun. If doctors and psychiatrists start to share any complaint that patients have about the government, or any paranoia that they may bring up in sessions, the government will use that to control those people - deny them the right to bear arms, or lock them away.grphicOnce our government worms its way inside of healthcare and especially into the definition of sanity, they have a "legal" tactic with which to oppress any opposition that may be voiced or enacted by the population. Tim Burton can't create scenarios this creepy.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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