Will Rand Paul's Executive Order Bill Keep Congress Relevant?


Senator Rand Paul has released his outline for a new bill, titled the Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act of 2013.  This new bill, which Paul has stated will reach the floor next week, has as it's sole purpose the goal of reining in the unchecked power of the President. Not simply Obama, who has abused the Executive Order and far surpassed the limits of his Presidential role in the creation of law - but also for every President moving forward... I have written at length about Executive Orders and Executive Privilege as one of the most despicable tactics that a President can use to force his agenda. It is wholly against the checks and balances that were set in place by the founders of this country and more and more have led to the President acting as the sole decision maker for a country of 300 million-plus. George W. Bush famously stated that he was "The Decider." An arrogant statement that Obama, for all his anti-Bush rhetoric, has taken to heart more than any other in the history of this nation. And through the loophole of Executive Orders, Obama has started his own personal wars for us, pardoned his cronies and covered up scandals...and that was before he decided to use Executive Orders to try to write laws, redefine sanity and strip away our right to bear arms. Rand Paul states on his Facebook page:“There are several of the executive orders that appear as if the President is writing new law. That cannot happen. My bill will nullify anything the president does that smacks of legislation. No president should be allowed to overstep the bounds of the Constitution.”Rand Paul, who has baffled Liberty-minded citizens like myself with his sometimes questionable endorsements, has gotten this one right. The power of the President must be reigned in. And this bill would do it. Senator Paul's bill would give Congress back the power to be the will of the people (corrupt as it may be...but better a corrupt but at-odds mass than a single all-powerful king), and to serve as a brake to the President's aggression towards the people whose liberties he is supposed to defend. Congress would actually (*gasp*) matter again! They'd have to declare war officially for us to attack other sovereign nations and everything. Truly, a mind-blowing concept.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!Rand Paul's outline for the bill below from Talking Points Memo.Picture 56


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