Kindergartner Suspended For Bubble Gun And Given Psych Evaluation


It begins! ABC News has a story up about a 5 year old girl who was suspended from her class for 10 days and ordered to have a psychological evaluation because she brought talked about a Hello Kitty Bubble Gun in school and wanted to have her and a friend shoot each other with bubbles. The school says it was a "Terrorist Threat." Let me type that again. Suspended for 10 days and ordered to have a psych evaluation...for wanting to play with a toy the way it was intended to be played with. Psychological. Evaluation. Terrorist threat. It would be easy enough to write about the absurdity of America and the culture of fear we now live in, where this could somehow be considered a threat. The fact that a teacher reported this, then an administrator in the Mount Carmel School District were mentally incompetent enough to order a suspension and for a little girl to be psychologically evaluated merits its own lengthy post. However in light of Obama's recent Executive Orders (EOs) this story takes on added weight.As I wrote previously, Obama's 23 Executive Orders held within them a very pertinent theme: the hijacking of the mental health industry through Obamacare, with Doctors turning into stoolies and the government now in control of what the definition of sanity is. I'm not saying that this story is an immediate example of these EOs being put into place, but it certainly is an indicator of where the wind is blowing. While the little girl in this article was found to be a a full state of mental health and no danger to anyone (shocker), she still has a blemish on her permanent record. One that has stopped her from getting into a different school, which is something that her (correctly) outraged parents tried to do after this ridiculous incident. No other schools would accept her because a couple of fools decided bubble gun play was a sign of an upcoming murder spree and the suspension and psych eval. are on her record.Under Obama's new Executive Orders, that record and psych evaluation could come up in background checks years down the road and, who knows? Maybe it would deny her the right to bear arms, as she would be categorized as a threat due to this bizarre incident. Who's to say what standards Obama's government and future governments will dictate that the new "mental health parity" will be set by.Children have been playing with guns and playing army, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, etc. for decades. I guess every one of us whoever yelled "bang, bang," or shot a Nerf, or cap gun can expect our sanity to be called into question any day now. Welcome to The New America.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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