Military Cries Poor: Can't Be World's Police With Budget Cuts


In a move that can't help but cause deep belly laughs to rumble up from most of those who regularly read this site, the U.S. Military - that ridiculously bloated, entitled mass that considers itself to quite literally be the "World's Police Force," (Marines) and a "Global Force For Good," (Navy) is shedding crocodile tears over the impending spending cuts. Up to $500 billion is slated to be cut from the military budget over the next 10 years, which our armed forces claim will "atrophy" the state of the military.  The boys and girls in camo decry the lack of ability they'll have to export the American brand of military interference into "hotspots" outside of arenas of war, and that our force would mainly be situated at home.What a novel concept - a military that actually stays in its own country! That is going to have a massive impact on the "illegal and unconstitutional wars enacted through Executive Orders by Presidents" business which, under both the Bush and Obama administrations, has been booming. And think of the impact on our foreign relations with those countries that we regularly interfere with, overthrow, bomb or occupy...I just don't know how they'll cope with the loss.There is at least one comical aspect to come out of this, which is the PR campaign that the military will be waging to scare the populace into pushing for more budget increases.  Expect plenty of cries of "terrorists are coming to eat your baby and we can't stop them if we aren't abroad!!!!". Get ready for tactics like this one from the Navy, which is threatening to ground the famed Blue Angels if the budget cuts go through, to get a rise from airshow-loving Americans. Never mind that the budget for the Blue Angels, about $20 million, is negligible  and I would assume that airshows could pony up to pay at least part of their cost. I would also assume that... oh who gives a crap about the Blue Angels, really? Next up, the Marines are going to threaten to chain up their lava monster to really stick it to us.A stay-at-home force would not only save money, but save lives and stimulate the economy as millions of soldiers return home, with billions of dollars in accrued pay to spend.Don't buy the sob story.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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