What's That Ron Paul Guy Up To?


It's no secret that, while each of the founders of Lions of Liberty came to the liberty movement from various backgrounds and ideologies, our outspoken activism for the cause of liberty was largely inspired by the 2008 and 2012 Presidential runs of Dr. Ron Paul.  Both of these runs, deemed "unsuccessful" in terms of the standard political paradigm, served to expose more people to the ideas of liberty than at any other time in history.  This is why we are optimistic about the future, along with the fact that we now have the incredible communication vehicle known as the internet at our disposal.But what about Ron Paul? Surely now that he's retired from Congress and no longer in the political arena, he will walk quietly into the night clinging to his convictions and gold and waiting out the coming economic collapse, right? Well, not so much. In fact, Ron Paul is involved with so  many new projects in his "retirement" that it's becoming difficult to keep track. And that's where your friendly neighborhood Lions of Liberty step in, to provide you with a one-stop shop of all things Ron Paul!So what exactly has that Ron Paul guy been up to lately?For starters, he has resumed his role as Chairman of the political extension of his two most recent Presidential campaigns, Campaign for Liberty.  He also maintains his weekly column, "Texas Straight Talk", now published on the Free Foundation's website. In addition to that  he has taken to social media and is now running his own Twitter account, which has already found him embroiled  in controversy surrounding a tweet over a murdered U.S. sniper, sending neocons into fits!And the war-hungry neoconservatives won' t be getting a break any time soon.  As reported by Bob Wenzel at Economic Policy Journal, Ron Paul will soon be starting his own foreign policy institute.  This will be headed by Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul's foreign policy adviser during his time in Congress (listen to a recent interview of McAdams on Lew Rockwell's podcast here.) With the collective knowledge and integrity of Dr. Paul and Daniel McAdams, we can sleep happily at night knowing that the neocons will never get a moment's rest in having to defend their insane aspirations for worldwide American military hegemony.Next up is Ron Paul's upcoming media venture.  Beginning March 19, through a deal with Courtside Entertainment Group, Ron Paul will begin to produce two one-minute daily radio commentaries as well as a weekly podcast.  For the podcast, he will be joined by another great libertarian and radio personality, Charles Goyette.If all of that weren't enough, Ron Paul is currently in the middle of writing a new book focusing on a libertarian approach to education. Dr. Paul has made it clear that a big part of his post-political career will be a focus on the rapidly growing homeschooling movement in America.  As more and more people become aware of the follies of central planning and the evils of the State, they are logically turning away from government schools as a way to educate their children. As Tom Woods stated on his blog in no uncertain terms:

I have seen a draft. This is the book that really launches the revolution.

Help get some buzz going on the book and pre-order it today!If we are to ever see a truly more free and prosperous society, it will only come about due to a generation that understands the ideas of liberty.  That is why we do what we do here at Lions of Liberty, and it is clearly the main focus of Ron Paul's post-Congressional career.Much like Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars", it appears Ron Paul may have far greater influence after his political "death" than he ever did as a Congressman.  We hope you'll keep up with this great champion of liberty's projects.And if not, you can rest assured we will, so remember to keep checking back (or better yet, sign up for our upcoming weekly digest!)Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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