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Your Bank Account: Free Reading For NSA And CIA

Reuters is reporting that The Obama Administration is once again pushing the limits of personal privacy by opening up the financial information of every American to the U.S.'s spy agencies to pick over at their leisure. The FBI already has access to financial records from banks, etc., but spy agencies did not. That has now changed.The theory that the government is trotting out is that the spy boys and girls will scour financial records looking for trends that may indicate terrorist activity. I wonder if there will be any problems with that? Reuters spoke with Sharon Bradford Franklin, senior counsel for the Rule of Law Program at the Constitution Project, a non-profit watchdog group:

A move like the FinCEN proposal "raises concerns as to whether people could find their information in a file as a potential terrorist suspect without having the appropriate predicate for that and find themselves potentially falsely accused."

And then assassinated with a drone on U.S. soil. Since they will be considered a terrorist "combatant!" It's all coming together! Round of applause for our government.This is just one more way for the government to make you a suspect - unknown to you - and potentially take away your liberty, finances and possibly life.How is this all permissible by U.S. law, you ask? Through our old friend the Patriot Act of course! Which an overwhelming number of traitorous Senators voted through yet again in 2011.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!