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Police State Follies: Martial Law Increases Donut Consumption

As more information is revealed surrounding the events which led to a proud United States city degenerating into a police state, the more inept and ineffective the “authorities” involved appear.As Friday's events unfolded, it was extremely disturbing to see innocent civilians made prisoners in their own homes and others escorted off their property at gun point. In the aftermath of the occupation, hindsight has revealed the most surprising part to be the suspects hiding location. The fugitive responsible for the increased police presence hid only 2/10s of a mile from the stolen vehicle he abandoned just hours earlier. The Daily Kos had the following insight:

It turns out that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year old suspect in the Boston bombing, was eventually found near the center of the 20-block search perimeter in Watertown.The night before, he had driven the hijacked SUV just 4/10ths of a mile from the gun battle with police. He then walked or ran about 2/10ths of a mile to the backyard at 67 Franklin Street.In other words, he was captured only a few blocks (a 4-minute walk) from where he dumped his getaway car, right where the police spent the next day looking for him.

Why the heck did the police not find the suspect sooner?  One could assume that the abandoned “getaway car” was most likely very close to the center of the 20 block perimeter that cops had partitioned off in order to enforce marital law. As we now know, the suspect was not found until martial law was lifted, and civilians were allowed to leave their houses.Based on a report UPI obtained from the Boston Globe, we know that the authorities cannot blame the ineffectiveness of their search on hunger. Select Dunkin’ Donuts were forced to remain open to provide free and unlimited access to donuts and coffee.

First responders and police still required hot coffee and food, so the lights stayed on at a few select Dunkin' Donuts, The Boston Globe reported Saturday."At the direction of authorities, select Dunkin' Donuts restaurants in the Boston area are open to take care of needs of law enforcement and first responders," company spokeswoman Lindsay Harrington said in an email."We are encouraging our guests to stay home today and abide by the lock-down, per the governor's recommendations," she said.The manhunt ended Friday evening when the surviving suspect in the bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was captured in Watertown.For those involved in the manhunt, coffee and donuts were on the house for the day Friday. The few stragglers from the public who came in were also served, the newspaper said.The stores that remained open were in neighborhoods where police activity was heaviest, including Dorchester and Watertown, the epicenter of the search for men who were described as extremely dangerous.

Are you kidding me? You can’t even make this stuff up. It looks like the old “cops love donuts” stereotype is one hundred percent factual.Maybe if the officers weren’t all hopped up on sugar from the all you can eat donut extravaganza, they would have had the discipline to find the fugitive that had traveled only 2/10s of a mile from where he ditched his stolen vehicle. Perhaps if they actually consumed nutritious meals comprised of proteins and vegetables, they would have had the mental and physical wherewithal to catch the fugitive and NOT violate the Constitutional rights of an entire city!The commandeering of Boston area Dunkin’ Donuts by authorities provides a good reason to never own or work in a donut shop. Let this be a warning to all donut shop owners throughout the country. You do not own your stores. The State can step in at anytime and require you to work under dangerous circumstances, for free.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!