Lions of Liberty

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The Only Solution: Invade the Whole World!

The non-Mirandized suspect in the Boston bombings is being charged with using a "weapon of mass destruction" in the bombings last week which took the lives of three people and injured many others. The "WMD's" in question in this incident is are the "pressure cooker bombs" used in the bombings.  Apparently in today's lingo, a pressure cooker is considered a "weapon of mass destruction."Now there is no doubt, as we have seen in last week's bombings, that a pressure cooker can indeed be used to cause "destruction". I'm sure that anyone who was witness to or had family at the Boston marathon incident would certainly agree. The issue comes in with the legal and political use of the term "weapon of mass destruction."The entire justification for George Bush's war on Iraq was Saddam Hussein's supposed possession of weapons of mass destruction. And despite the unprecedented fiscal, strategic and humanitarian disasters of that war, the WMD issue is still being used by war-mongering pundits to justify future wars. In fact, one Fox News propagandist commentator is even trying to claim that the exact same WMD's that went "missing" in Iraq are currently in Syria in an attempt to justify a broader U.S. military intervention there.If we are going to begin classifying things such as pressure cookers - which I have to imagine are available in nearly every country in the world -  as "weapons of mass destruction", then the term looses any semblance of a meaning that it may have. The fact is, almost any object can be used to cause destruction of some kind.I can take my car and drive it through a crowd of people. Does that make all cars "weapons of mass destruction?" Does this make any country that has cars a potential target of the "War on Terror?" What about lightbulbs? Toaster ovens? Fire extinguishers? Where does it end?The only logical conclusion to this illogical government train of thought is that every country in the world has weapons of mass destructions, and they all must be invaded. "Invade The Whole World", as Rothbard once sarcastically wrote....this is the only logical conclusion.Based on recent events, it looks like the U.S. government agrees...and has started with Boston.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!

