Neocon: Sequester Misery = Bad....TSA Misery = Good


Individuals who hold power have one very special thing in common - their subjects must always know who the boss is.If there's ever any doubt in the subject's mind, or a glimmer of liberty starts to shine through, the grip is tightened.Democrats and Republicans argue over the type of grip that is squeezed; that's all.For example, Neocon Jennifer Rubin expresses her distate at how Obama is using the non-existent cuts known as the "sequester" to make people miserable at the airports:

The administration is taking another stab at making Americans miserable. After suggesting furloughs wouldn’t be necessary at the FAA, the administration switched gears and now insists the sequester is making them do it.The administration’s cardinal error was thinking these sorts of gambits would induce Americans to demand more spending. Instead, they are likely to conclude the federal government is a clown show and deserve not a penny more that will only be spent on the bureaucratic equivalent of a red nose and floppy shoes.

Now, would a politician actually seek to make Americans miserable for political reasons (i.e., to influence us into rejecting any cuts in government spending)?Of course!! If people were to think that "cuts" didn't hurt, they may be ok with more of them...followed by even more. That kind of thinking is unacceptable.Now Rubin may be against Obama's version of squeezing the grip, but she surely isn't against the TSA and the incalculable misery that they cause each and every day. No sir, that type of misery is perfectly acceptable and for your own good:

...our grousing about TSA searches, bag checks at museums and mail-room delays are disproportionate to the danger from which the government seeks to protect us.

In other words, are you not happy about some government employee touching your genitals?Stop "grousing"!Republicans and Democrats squabble over the type of misery they will put you through. That they have no business at all being involved in air traffic control or airline safety is not discussed.Liberty and free markets are not an option.They desperately need to be.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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