Could Speaker Boehner's Future Son-In-Law Change His Stance On Illegal Drugs?


All signs point to the Speaker of the House John Boehner being an alcoholic.  Sporting flushed red cheeks during a daytime press conference?  Check.  Becoming overly emotional and crying during public speeches? Check.  Having trouble stringing together coherent thoughts and slurring words during an awkward victory speech after clinching Speaker of the House? Check.John Boehner has spent a good portion of his adult life slugging stiff drinks and setting a stellar example for his daughters on how to become successful in politics, while balancing a legal drug abuse problem.  There is even a blog called Drunk Boehner that pays tribute to his alcohol induced emotional outbursts.Speaker Boehner has displayed traits common to someone struggling with a drug problem, albeit a legal one.  Even if it is true that he has experienced his own personal struggles with legal drugs, he has still maintained his ardent support for the drug war and prohibition of marijuana.He had to be a bit taken aback when his oldest daughter fell in love with a man who appears to believe the State does not have the right to dictate what an individual chooses to ingest into their body.  His oldest daughter is engaged to be married to a man who has been cited for possessing the illegal drug marijuana and admitting that the substance was for personal use.The Daily Mail had the following report on the past run in with the law of John Boehner’s future son-in-law, Dominic Lakhan.

Dominic Lakhan, 38, has been arrested for possessing marijuana in the past. This may not have gone down well with Boehner - who is a staunch opponent to legalizing the drug.Lindsay Marie Boehner, 35, is set to marry Lakhan on May 10 in Delray Beach, Florida.In 2006, Lakhan was arrested in Pembroke Pines, Florida for misdemeanor possession of two grams of marijuana during a traffic stop, the National Enquirer first reported.The police report from the incident states that 'upon making contact with the driver,' an officer 'observed in plain view a 16 oz. Natural Lite beer can opened in the driver door.'The officer 'also detected the odor of burnt cannabis emitting from the interior of the vehicle,' the police report continues.'A search of the vehicle revealed two bags containing approximately TWO grams of suspected cannabis… inside the center of the ashtray.'The arresting officer reported that Lakhan admitted to possessing the marijuana and said it was for personal use.

This situation has to be difficult for Speaker Boehner to reconcile.  Throughout his political career he has been a staunch opponent to all legalization of marijuana and an ardent supporter of getting sloppy drunk and crying during political speeches.  It must be troubling for him to know that the man who is going to marry his daughter disobeyed laws handed down by the State and chose to partake in the illegal act of smoking weed.  Boehner has to be furious wondering how his daughter could marry someone who believes an individual has the right to act freely as long as they are not damaging property or initiating force against another individual.rsz_bondoobieTrue, we do not know if Speaker Boehner’s new son-in-law is a libertarian, liberal, socialist, or has some other crazy political beliefs.  What we do know is that Speaker Boehner and his son-in-law have something in common that they might not realize.  They both ingest substances to intentionally alter their state of mind.  The only difference being that Speaker Boehner’s favorite drug is approved by the State and Dominic Lakahn’s is not.Perhaps Dominic Lakahn will help Speaker Boehner turn over a new leaf.  Boehner has probably grown tired of the rumors and the criticism regarding the legal substance he chooses to put into his body.  Maybe he will realize that the difference between his preferred intoxicating substance and the substance that his future son-in-law ingests is those that are caught with the later could have their lives ruined at the whim of an employee of the State.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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