Lions of Liberty

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JAGTV: A Libertarian TV Network In 2013?

We received an email yesterday touting a libertarian television network primed to launch in the Fall of 2013, dubbed JAGTV - "The Gateway Drug to Freedom." According to Zak Carter, who reached out to us, this will be a full-time network with subtle liberty-themed programming running the content gamut. JAGTV will be...

...a full spectrum network with everything from reality TV, cartoons, movies, music, comedy, lifestyle shows, etc, as well as the evening news, with undercurrents of liberty throughout the programming.  We’ll create something the general public will watch, be entertained by, and the liberty message will spread like never before.  The existing liberty network will grow with us.   We also plan on making this available beyond the internet, and on satellite and cable.  It’s what the other side has been doing for decades, and it’s time we turned the tables.

What will be interesting is to see what a liberty reality TV show would look like...I put my vote in for "The Free Market Mating Game." But joking aside, it will be fascinating to see this unfold and to see if the net can achieve a sizable footprint. Naturally, liberty-minded folk like ourselves will tune in, and the fact that the net's goal isn't to beat viewers over the head with its political standing (like the utterly failed Current TV) makes it a more attractive option not only to the general populace, but to libertarians as well. One hopes that JAGTV's news programming may actually establish a true neutral news media without the spin of MSNBC, FOX News and CNN (not to mention the big 4 networks).JAGTV was founded by Jennifer Grossman, a current SVP at Dole, and former White House speechwriter for George H.W. Bush. She was also a Cato Education Policy Director, an On-air political commentator for Fox, MSNBC, CNN, and worked for Arianna and Michael Huffington during the latter's Senate bid in 1994. Full bio can be found here. We'll follow JAGTV and update as we can. Until then, check out their website and dream of a day when liberty is just a remote click away.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!