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Rand Paul: The Libertarians' "I Love Lucy"

It really seems as if a day doesn't go by in which libertarians look at the actions of Rand Paul and say to themselves, "Rand, you got some 'splainin' to do!!"The man seems to constantly bunglewhat one would think are straightforward issues that his father's views were very clear on (interventionism) and that we had formerly believed Rand shared. On one hand he filibusters against drone attacks and for the right to habeas corpus, endearing himself to liberty-minded folk. Then, he turns around and states that, "any attack on Israel will be treated as an attack on the United States." The man is constantly junking up the bon-bon manufacturing line, and undoing the good will that he builds up almost immediately every single time. He's becoming a sitcom character with presidential aspirations.Rand's latest gaffe and treason against non-interventionism is signing off on the new Iran Sanctions, which as we all know, will only hurt the populace of Iran and turn them against us even further - a precursor to war. From Daniel McAdams at Lew Rockwell:

Today the US Senate voted  unanimously in favor of a Lindsey Graham resolution,  S.Res.65, which "[s]trongly support(s) the full implementation of United States and international sanctions on Iran and urg[es] the President to continue to strengthen enforcement of sanctions legislation."
The legislation, as expected from a Lindsey Graham product, is full of misstatements, historical revisionism, and war-drum-beating hyperbole. Particularly revolting is the distortion and lies about Iran's not being in compliance with IAEA nuclear safeguards requirements and the irony of Graham's using Iran's refusal to implement UN resolutions as evidence of its rogue status. Also deceptive is the sleight of hand claiming that Iran pursuing a "nuclear weapons  capability" is the real violation, rather than an Iranian failure to uphold its agreed upon obligation to not actually divert fissile material to build a nuclear weapon. It is a unilateral lowering of the bar, which is in fact itself a US violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Most alarming, however, is that this resolution contains among the clearest legislative language to date promising that should Israel decide to attack Iran, the US would back Israel militarily. It is breathtakingly foolhardy for the US Senate to give such  carte blanche permission to  any foreign country to attack another nation as it sees fit with the promise of the backing of the United States military. The move will likely embolden Israel to continue  recent escalation of military action in the region and will likely propel Israel closer to an attack on Iran.[...]
Rand... YOU GOT SOME 'SPLAININ' TO DO! But, just like other beloved sitcom characters, we keep wanting him to do the right thing and we look for hope week after week.
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