Bye Bye Bernake?


In August, Barack Obama can appoint a new Fed Chairman...or he can re-appoint Ben Bernake, who has felt our wrath time and time and time again for his manipulation of the monetary system in our country, much to our chagrin. Paul B. Farrell at Marketwatch wrote up a column today on who he feels will replace the money printing machine at the Fed (hint: it ain't Ron Paul):

...Will Obama reappoint Bernanke again? No way. But who? New blood? Shake things up with Wall Street mastermind Mayor Michael Bloomberg? (Lions of Liberty Ed Note: PLEASE GOD, NO) After more than two decades of Greenspan/Bernanke’s misguided, destructive monetary policies, America could use a guy like him at this crucial turning point.But expect a safe bet. Obama favors a woman. The high rollers are already betting on Janet Yellen, vice chairman of the Fed, long-time monetary insider. Former San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank CEO. Also chairman of Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers.

Whomever is appointed, they'll continue the same terrible Keynesian policies, you can be assured of that. If Janet Yellen does take over, she'll most likely be Bernake with a skirt on and continue to print money as if ceasing the cash presses would cause something to explode, a-la "Speed." All we can hope is that we won't be swapping bad for worse.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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