Privatize All Government Roads


Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker has started an organization called The Volcker Alliance.Its purpose?Get strengthen the quality of American governance.Good luck with that...A much more noble goal would be to reduce the quantity ("quality" is guaranteed to be the worst) of American governance. But we are talking about a former price-fixer, so the world must deal with yet another damaging organization.The WashingtonPost interviewed the former money manipulator, and here is what the man who saved The Fed had to say about "Infrastructure" spending:

Everybody talks about infrastructure. And I agree. But do we have the administrative apparatus in place to give any degree of confidence that the money will be spent efficiently?

Hold up!Is he suggesting that there we need more paper-pushing bureaucrats? And that some kind of "administrative apparatus" is capable of spending money efficiently?Sounds like it to me.More bureaucrats equals more money that you, dear reader, and I have to earn to pay their salaries while they sit around surfing the 'net. They surely cannot spend money "efficiently" because they do not operate under market conditions. Without the market signals known as profit/loss, they have absolutely no idea where money and resources should be applied.The former counterfeiter continues:

Everybody has a sympathetic feeling toward infrastructure spending, but we have got to have more confidence that we know how to spend the money.

Everybody does not have a sympathetic feeling. I for one (and there are many more like me) want to see all government roads privatized. Paging Dr. Walter Block. And without market signals, the only thing the government can do is make decisions politically...i.e., cut deals with their buddies."How much money do you need? How many votes will I get in return?".That's government in a nutshell. 

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