Felony Friday: Arrested For Dirty Looks, Charged For Defending Your Home, and Killed While Protecting Neighbors


When I first came up with the idea of a recurring feature titled “Felony Friday”, I envisioned the article being used as a vehicle to expose police officers that abuse the monopoly control they have been granted.  This feature is not a personal attack against police officers; rather the unfortunate incidents that are reviewed serve to awaken the masses to the inherent dangers associated with granting an apparatus of the State monopoly control of an industry.This past week was full of instances of cops abusing their authority.    The first unfortunate event occurred this past Monday, Memorial Day, on Haulover Beach in Miami.  A 14-year-old kid was approached by police officers after wrestling on the beach with a friend.  The Miami-Dade police officers approached the teenager and asked where his parents were.  The cops claim the boy walked away and gave them “dehumanizing stares”.   CBS Local reports on a story you have to see to believe.

Detective Alvaro Zabaleta told D’Oench it was just after 11:00 am on Memorial Day on Haulover Beach when officers saw McMillian slamming another teenager on to the sand.“They told him that behavior was unacceptable,” said Zabaleta. “He walked away and officers followed him. They asked where his parents were. He said he was not going to take them to them. When he started to leave the beach area, officers had to get off their ATVs to detain him. He had closed arms, clenched fists and pulled his arm away.”“Once he was approaching the road, the officers restrained him. Again his body language was that he was stiffening up and pulling away,” said Zabaleta. “Now you’re resisting officers at that point and when the hands are swinging and you are resisting officers, at that point you have to be taken into custody.”“Of course we have to neutralize the threat,” said Zabaleta. “When you have somebody resistant to them and pulling away and somebody clenching their fists and flailing their arms, that’s a threat.”

The 14-year-old kid was wrestled to the ground by police.  He was charged with resisting an arrest with violence, a felony.  Apparently, these cops expected the teenager to lie down on the ground and admit that tackling your friend is a crime.  I personally don’t blame this young man for the “dehumanizing stares” he is accused of giving.  The stare was probably the typical exasperated look one receives from a teenager when asking a stupid question.If there ever was an instance that warrants a “dehumanizing” glance directed towards authorities it occurred this past week in Oregon.Corey Thompson, a military veteran, is facing criminal charges after firing a warning shot intended to scare a burglary that happened to be a felon with outstanding warrants, from breaking into the backdoor of his home.  Thompson says that he warned the burglar that he was going to fire a warning shot.  He then proceeded to fire a shot from his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle without hitting the intruder, any other person, or damaging a neighbor’s property.  The Global Dispatch describes the event in detail.

Authorities say 40-year-old Jonathon Kinsella, a wanted felon, was attempting to flee the scene when he was arrested on outstanding warrants, including for burglary and assault.

Thompson says Kinsella was trying to break into his home via the back door. Defending his property, Thompson said he warned the criminal that he was armed and he was giving him his one and only warning shot.

“This is the end result. You break into someone’s house, there’s consequences,” Thompson said.

Police later determined he wasn’t justified in firing his weapon. Medford Police Lt. Mike Budreau said “there was nothing that the suspect was doing that was aggressive enough to justify the shooting.”

Thompson was charged with unlawful use of a weapon, menacing and reckless endangering. The veteran’s AR-15 was seized by police because they claim it was used in the commission of a crime.

An event such as this one reminds me of something my business law professor at Penn State would make a point to say at the beginning of each class.  My professor would say, “If anyone brakes into your house……shoot them……and make sure you kill them.  Because if you don’t, they’ll make up some crazy story and you’ll end up in jail.”  Considering the result of this burglary attempt, he makes a valid point.This story serves as a reminder of the ongoing assault by the “authorities” in this country to strip individuals of natural rights to life and liberty.  The cops will say that when an intruder breaks into your house you should lock yourself in a room and call the police.  To drive their point home to the masses the police are using this fine individual as a scapegoat to intimidate others into surrendering their rights.Mr. Thompson’s actions were in line with the law of the land and more importantly in line with the non-aggression principle.  The actions taken by the police violated the Constitution and the non-aggression principle.  By behaving in the manner the cops have showed themselves to be coercive thugs.The final section of Felony Friday is by far the most upsetting because an innocent life was taken.  Police shot and killed a 72-year-old man as he crossed his own property to check on a neighbor’s burglar alarm.  Jerry Wayne Waller, a grandfather, was shot and killed by police before he could even cross the street to his neighbor’s house.  CBS Local reports on this tragic story of gun crazed police killing an old man while crossing his driveway.

The 72-year-old man didn’t even make it to the house across the street before he was shot. He died on his own property.The neighbors in the Woodhaven Country Club area and generally know each other pretty well. Becky Haskin, a former Fort Worth City Councilmember, lives in the area and said she believes Waller, “…was doing what neighbors do probably checking on the neighbor that the alarm went off.”The elderly man, who was armed at the time, was shot and killed in his own driveway by police responding to a burglary call. “We heard five shots,” Haskin recalled. They were just rapid fire one after the other.”

In case you missed it, the police unloaded five shots into a 72-year-old man.  If that doesn’t scare the crap out of you and make you question the monopoly control the State cedes to police officers, then you don’t understand liberty.The corruption and abuse we see in police officers is a byproduct of the system they enjoy.  There are no profit/loss market triggers built in to correct bad behavior or reward good behavior.  If cops are not doing their job or if they are abusing the public, there is no market recourse in the current system.  Competition makes everything better, why do so many think law enforcement is the exception to the rule?Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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