NSA Claims 50 Terrorist Plots Thwarted...Consider Me Skeptical


The NSA is effectively on trial today, answering to its crimes (I don't care that they are technically legal due to the ruling of a secret Foreign Intelligence Court), with National Security Agency Director Gen. Keith Alexander testifying before the House Intelligence Committee. The General has stated that the spying programs going on without the knowledge or consent of America's millions of citizens have led to more than 50 thwarted terrorist plots.

Intelligence officials said Tuesday that the government’s sweeping surveillance efforts have helped thwart “potential terrorist events” more than 50 times since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, and the officials detailed two new examples to illustrate the utility of the programs.In testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, officials cited a nascent plot to blow up the New York Stock Exchange and a case involving an individual providing financial support to an overseas terrorist group.

So, we're supposed to believe those two accounts that we can't possibly confirm, as well as 48-some odd others, which we also can't confirm seeing as they are classified cases that were ratified by a secret court? Sounds great!Did anyone notice if there was a bulletin posted on Monster.com (do people even use that site anymore?) and college job boards from the NSA looking for Interns majoring in Creative Writing? Seems like they are probably working around the clock on creative ways to invent terror plots that were foiled. This is the anti-terror equivalent to "having a girlfriend in Canada" that no one can verify exists.I'd also be interested in seeing what the definition of a "terror plot" is, since they have broadened the definition of the term to include quite a bit of everyday activity by normal Americans who might be "engaged in combat" without knowing it.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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