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The Real Point of Russell Brand's "Morning Joe" Rant

"This is a hotbed of neurosis and psychosis!" - Russell BrandYesterday we were all treated to a viral video of Russell Brand getting a wee bit ranty on MSNBC's "Morning Joe". After feeling slighted by the attitude of host Mika Brzezinksi - daughter of world-shaping neocon Zbigniew Brzezinski (I wonder how she got that MSNBC gig???) - Brand decided to take control of the interview and openly mock the Mainstream Talking Heads surrounding him on all sides.It's a must-see, so we'll check back in 8:33 or so.To the untrained ear it may seem that Brand was just having a good 'ol time, as he surely was, and making fools out of Mika and the other hosts just for kicks. I believe the real point of Brand's rant may have been lost on some. He was not simply mocking these specific hosts of "Morning Joe" due to some rude behavior. Rather, he was calling out the entire mainstream media that passes itself off as "news" while serving to distract the public from real issues. At 4:31 Brand states:

Because I believe that people are very, very intelligent, but the information gets manipulated by people that like to cause, you know, fake stirs and stuff.

It's fairly clear that the "people who like to cause fake stirs" he is referring to are the fine "journalists" conducting his interview. After a host claims he "can't understand" his accent and being referred to in the third person by Mika, Brand starts to get a little more wiley. At 6:55 he decides to take control and put on a satirical news cast of his own.It is at this point that Russell Brand brings up Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who blew the lid off the NSA's PRISM spying program, as well as Bradley Manning, the army private who is accused of leaking documents exposing the war crimes of the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq, held for over two years on American soil in harsh conditions and still awaiting a full trial. Typically discussion of Snowden in the mainstream media has been about whether he is a "hero or a traitor" and not the actual secret spying program he has revealed, while Bradley Manning's indefinite detention and treatment hardly gets mentioned at all.It seems that Brand isn't just some fly-by-night half-informed actor. On the same day of his MSNBC appearance, a video featuring Brand was released to spread awareness about Bradley Manning, the crimes he exposed and the despicable treatment he has received from the government he volunteered to serve. Video below:Brand wraps up the segment with Mika & Co. with a fantastic spiel:

Look beyond the superficial! That is the problem with current affairs. You forget about what's important, you allow the agenda to be decided by superficial information. What am I saying? What am I talking about? Don't think about what I'm wearing. These things are redundant and superficial.

I can't say I've ever been a huge fan of Russell Brand's comedy, but he's quickly becoming one of my favorite celebrities in "real life". He is well informed and unafraid to call out the lamestream media on their propaganda.Besides, how could I not appreciate someone who calls Mika Brzezinski a "shaft grasper" on national TV?Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!