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Neocons Are Spinning Like A Top

Despite what the media portrays, Edward Snowden has given a big black eye to the U.S. government. The media can show polls until they're blue in the face, but the fact remains that the (spying) cat is out of the bag. The news has hit the man on the street.A group that I always find entertaining to watch are the Neocons; and they're spinning like it's nobody's business.Max Boot calls the Snowden affair:

"...a colossal embarrassment for President Obama."

Hey, he's not Romney or McCain so let's focus on him.Jennifer Rubin does one even better. She sprays blame on all non-neocons:

A combination of unhinged progressives, conservatives trying to pummel the president and libertarians with little real understanding of either the Constitution or national security threatened to drive the country off the rails on anti-terror tactics.

Yes, even libertarians made her list!! And she has the gall to say that libertarians don't understand the Constitution?!!Hey Jennifer, look up Article I, Section 8, Clause 11. It's known as the War Powers Clause. Familiarize yourself with it.If the Constitution were followed, we could rid ourselves of this Neocon nightmare and Spying State that accompanies it.But you see, in Rubin's eyes, it is the hive of neocons who have actually been vindicated by Snowden:

Meanwhile, defenders of the NSA program saw vindication in the nature of his protectors.

In other words, because Snowden decided to hide in Hong Kong & Russia, the NSA spying on Americans is justified. This is absurd, of course, as Ryan McMaken pointed out on'd expect the neocons to divert and point fingers in all directions, and they're surely not falling short in that department.The longer Snowden stays in the headlines, the more yarn they'll have to spin.

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