Obama's Executive Actions On Climate: Foolish & Desperate


President Obama is no stranger to the use of executive orders. The man wields them with impunity, slashing his way through the Congress that is supposed to serve as a balance and imposing his always ill-advised will upon matters over which he should have no direct jurisdiction. Despite the executive order originally being permitted as a way to protect the President in matters of national security, over time it has expanded into some sort of magic pen with which Presidents may write laws into being without any formal recognition or vetting from the other branches of government. Thus far, Dictator Obama has utilized executive orders to authorize secret kill lists, attempt restrain our 2nd Amendment rights, and infringe upon our health privacy.As of this Tuesday, the man actually had the gall to claim that he would also use hismagic pen to force restrictions on carbon emissions and onto a slew of other industries to curb "climate change." These changes could impact the entire nation due to the economic ramifications, and all based on data that has showed no warming trend in the past 15 years (as reported by the New York Times). You can view Obama's Executive Actions for battling climate change here, and the full text of his speech here.Where rational and Constitutionally mandated processes would spell defeat for Obama, his first, last, and only recourse has been to apply executive orders. If this is not the trait of a dictator - a man who is only slave to his own ambition, desperately trying to force legislation through to mark some positive effect on his legacy - what is?This isn't being discussed, but I assure you that Obama is concerned first and foremost with this legacy and how he will be remembered in history. His signature legislation - Obamacare - is already riddled with cracks, and with every new implementation, looks like it will either fail and be recalled or be so drastically altered, that his name should no longer be associated with it.He has been exposed as a worthy successor to George W. Bush, a man whoseagenda he pledged to undo...only to very literally walk the same line and uphold the same policies once in office. Obama has even furthered the Bush era policies in war, terrorism and in domestic spying, now famously in office during the scandals revolving around government monitoring of all cell phone records as well as the earth-shattering exposure of the PRISM spying program. And we can't forget to mention the passing of the NDAA, with its inclusion of "indefinite detention" for citizens without due process. His legacy will be as a disgrace who was outed as the president responsible for the greatest infringement on American liberties, possibly, in the history of the nation.All of this climate change hooplah is a move born out of desperation. A plead for those foolish enough to still hold some small hope for the man to look away from his sins and towards this new, foolish agenda that he is trotting back out to the jeers of the international community. There are far bigger fish to fry, but the Obama circus is praying that we all keep our eyes off the elephant in the room and stare solely at the juggling ringmaster.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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