Felony Friday: Aaron Hernandez Case Puts Ineffectiveness Of Gun Control Laws On Display


With so many gun laws on the books in Massachusetts how did former New England Patriot tight end Aaron Hernandez find a way to allegedly murder his friend Odin Lloyd?The gun control advocates will argue until they are blue in the face for tougher gun control laws, but gun laws will not prevent someone hell-bent on killing another person from committing murder.  If an individual is willing to take another’s life, do you really think they will make certain to have a legal magazine to go with the proper licenses and registrations before they pull the trigger?If anything, murderers probably do not want to use a registered weapon, which the State has a record of their ownership, to commit a crime.  It is illogical and naive to think a person that is willing to break the law and commit murder would be deterred by a law that carries a lesser penalty.The felony murder charge against Hernandez was accompanied by five additional felony gun charges, as reported by the Burlington Free Press and sourced from the Attleborough (Mass.) District Court criminal complaint.

Charges against Aaron HernandezCount 1: MurderOn 6/17/2013 did assault and beat Odin Lloyd, with intent to murder such person, and by such assault and beating did kill and murder such person.Count 2: Firearm, carry without license On 6/17/2013 did knowingly have in his possession, or under his control in a vehicle, a firearm … or a rifle or shotgun, not then being in his residence or place of business, and not having in effect a license to carry firearms or otherwise being authorized by law to do so.Counts 3 and 4: Firearm, possess large capacityOn 6/22/2013 did knowingly have in his possession, or did knowingly have under his control in a vehicle, a large capacity weapon or large capacity feeding device therefor … the defendant not possessing a valid Class A or Class B license to carry firearms.Counts 5 and 6: Firearm without FID cardOn 6/22/2013 did own, possess or transfer a firearm, rifle, shotgun or ammunition without complying with the requirements relating to the firearm identification card.

There you have it, the six felony charges facing Aaron Hernandez.  The only one that matters is the first one, murder.  The evidence that has been presented in the media looks very damning to Mr. Hernandez’s prospects of beating the charge.  The additional gun charges don’t change the fact that a man has been killed and many other lives have been unequivocally altered by this senseless tragedy.It makes no difference if it’s a thug on the street, or a multi-millionaire football player, if someone wants to take another human life and they are not dissuaded by prospects of going to jail, they will find a way to do it.  It doesn’t matter if there are strict gun control laws in place or no gun control laws.  The case of Aaron Hernandez makes this abundantly clear.

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