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Rand Paul in an Awkward Situation in Kentucky

Despite having already begun to launch (ridiculous) campaign ads against likely Democratic opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes, it now appears Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell may indeed face a rumored primary challenge for his Senate seat in 2014. The Daily Caller reports:

It looks like Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell is going to get a Republican primary challenger after all.Louisville businessman Matt Bevin plans to kick off his campaign with eight stops across the Bluegrass state, starting Wednesday. He’s expected to campaign against McConnell from the right.According to a  media advisory, he plans to announce his intentions Wednesday for the Senate race at the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort. He’ll hold subsequent events in Newport and Louisville.

McConnell is a long time "big government" Republican, voting in favor of just about every awful bill that libertarians and genuine, small government conservatives have derided for years - TARP, NAFTA, No Child Left Behind, PATRIOT ACT, indefinite detention of Americans, et al. If you hate it, McConnell probably supported it.Despite his horrendous record, McConnell has taken many steps in the last year in an attempt to avoid a "Tea Party" primary challenge from the right. Last year he hired Jesse Benton, Ron Paul's former campaign manager, in an ill-advised maneuver to try to capture the grassroots. Perhaps McConnell hadn't done his research, but Benton had drawn the ire of many of Ron Paul's supporters for many reasons, up to and including allegations that he sabotaged Ron Paul's 2012 Presidential Campaign.In addition to the hiring of Benton, McConnell has made a point to cozy up to the newest Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who rode a wave of support from the Ron Paul grassroots and the Tea Party to upset the establishment Republican Trey Grayson - who McConnell supported over Paul - in the primary. He went on to easily take the traditionally Republican Senate seat. Fast forward two years, and McConnell has gone so far as to join Rand Paul's fight to legalize industrial hemp.Rand and Mitch have become such close political allies that Paul has already come out and endorsed McConnell for Senate in 2014. With an eye on the Presidency in 2016, Rand cannot afford to lose the political pull he has with McConnell. This is of course the nature of politics; even Ron Paul himself always endorsed the Republican incumbents, because "that's how politics works." Regardless, this move seemingly squashed any chance of a primary challenge for McConnell.And yet, a primary challenge there is in the form of Matt Bevin. I don't know much about Bevin, but judging by the way Jesse Benton is reacting to the news one would have to think he is at least a little worried about his challenge to McConnell. From The Hill (emphasis mine):

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) is preparing a barrage of attacks against likely Tea Party challenger Matt Bevin, armed with what a senior campaign aide described “ an opposition research book as thick as a college textbook.”Bevin, an investment firm executive and Army veteran, is expected to announce Wednesday he’ll mount a primary challenge against the five-term Kentucky senator.Jesse Benton, McConnell’s campaign manager, described Bevin as a “nuisance” candidate. “The welcome wagon's ready,” Benton told The Hill.

With several Kentucky Tea Party groups recently coming out against McConnell, things could get prettay prettaaaaaaay interesting in Kentucky.What may be even more interesting to watch for those in the liberty movement will be the awkward situation Rand Paul finds himself in when he has to field questions on McConnell and defend his record.Will he firmly stand by his political allies, Benton and McConnell? Or will he continue to pussyfoot around the issues and attempt to walk the line between pleasing the grassroots libertarians and the establishment Republicans?One thing's for sure: We're gonna need plenty of popcorn.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!