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The U.S. Police State: It's Worse Than You Think

This past week on The Robert Wenzel Show, posted over at, Robert Wenzel conducted an interview with John Whitehead, President of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police StateThe information in this interview is very important and should be listened to by anyone concerned about the encroaching police state - and even more so by those that aren't.Some of the most chilling tidbits from this discussion:

  • Over 80,000 Swat Team raids are conducted per year in the United States, many of which are for simple misdemeanors. Rapidly fading are the days when a police officer in a cute blue uniform shows up and politely issues a warrant. Now, an increasingly militarized police force routinely busts down doors in the middle of the night. These raids have resoled in injury and death to many innocent people, not to mention the blatant fourth amendment violations. 
  • In yet another example of how the every single digital communication is monitored, Whitehead tells the story of how a decorated Army Veteran had emailed the Rutherford Institute, and the next day he had agents from the FBI agents show up at his door and threaten to "remove him from the United States."
  • Of the many new types of drone on the way, one is a mosquito-sized drone that will have the ability to inject something into a person or extract DNA samples. chills up your spine yet?Everyone, regardless of whether or not they think they are "doing something wrong", should be highly concerned about and opposed to the manner in which federal, state, and local governments are increasingly becoming more militaristic, while monitoring its citizens for what are essentially thought crimes. This is the perfect recipe for, as Edward Snowden put it, a "turn-key tyranny."As Whitehead says towards the end of the interview when referencing rise of Hitler, Germans didn't wake up "until they were already in concentration camps."Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!