When a War Criminal Comes to Town


Yesterday, President Barack Obama made a three hour stop in the Scenic City to read from a  teleprompter in front of 2,000 adoring Amazon employees. The Reader-In-Chief reassured the economic illiterate masses that we're still recovering from the "greatest recession since the Great Depression" and that, under his wise leadership, we've cleared away the rubble from the last financial crisis and laid the foundation for a better, brighter future."We're not there yet," said the Goldman Sachs frontman.To people who casually observe politics and routinely absorb propaganda from the mainstream media, the President's visit was a gift from God himself; regardless of your political affiliation, having a war criminal visit your city is "pretty cool."But to people who use this thing called the Internet to circumvent mainstream media and to educate themselves in economics and foreign policy, Obama's speech-reading event was just another sad spectacle in these declining United States. The man with a secret kill list who spends $180,000 a day ignoring state medical marijuana laws spent roughly 30 minutes weaving emotional appeals in with interventionist economics. "Investments! Infrastructure! Raising the Minimum Wage! Pay no attention to the gun in the room, I'm from the government and I'm here to help." If President Obama was really interested in helping the middle class he would get out of the way. He could also advocate to End the Fed, whose inflationary monetary policy destroys the middle class and transfers wealth to politically connected special interests. Since his campaign contributors are receiving $85 billion a month in QE-Infinity stimulus, a dismantling of the secretive central bank is unlikely to occur.Keynesian fallacies and empty rhetoric aside, the visit from Obama highlighted something even more disturbing: the willingness of Boobus Americanus to forgive and to forget. It wasn't too long ago that NSA analyst Edward Snowden along with real journalist Glenn Greenwald revealed the unprecedented surveillance state. Every digital communication of every American is collected, analyzed, filtered, and stored in NSA databases in the land of the free. When confronted with these allegations, Obama told the American people in a not-so-convincing and not-so-charismatic speech that we will have to make tough choices between privacy and security. You see, corporate puppets prefer to hypnotize and mesmerize the public with awe-inspiring speeches instead of answering for their crimes.Local news stations here in Chattanooga covered every minute of the President's flight to the city, his visit to Amazon, and his flight back to the Imperial City. The red carpet was rolled out for the Drone King as he was met by Mayor Andy Berke and Rep. Jim Cooper. Chattanooga was trending on Twitter for some time with hashtags #Obamanooga, #POTUSinCHA, and, my personally favorite: #CommanderinCHA.However, not all residents knelt down to lick the boots of their oppressor. The local Tea Party group peacefully protested at a safe distance while the torture-approving Obamabots lined the entryway to Amazon.As a libertarian anarchist, it can get pretty lonely at times. (Queue the violin.) Rarely do people pause and notice the wonders of the market or the ugliness and deadliness of statism. It's all around us, hidden in plain sight. However, our ideas and principles are not foreign to those who confine themselves to the two-party paradigm. The Libertarian Paradox described by Lew Rockwell is a funny one. We're basically trying to persuade non-libertarians that peace is preferable to violence; that honest money and commerce form the  foundation for economic prosperity; and that, contrary to what our wise overlords say, we don't need their plans, their edicts or their guidance.In fact, we'd be a lot better off without them.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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