Bloomberg's Just A Simple Man Of The People


By, Chris RossiniFrom Nanny Bloomberg's Facebook Page:Mike_BloombergThe billionaire Mayor obviously chose this photo for a reason. He's just a regular guy like everyone else, riding the subway to "work".New Yorkers, who had the extreme pleasure of riding with Bloomberg, had to make sure they didn't look the wrong way. For the Mayor obviously had plenty of "help" should they have done so.Who knows how much more "help" Bloomberg had stationed on the other side of the subway car, and that aren't in the picture?...No worries though. New Yorkers can just fall back on what they learned in their FREE government schools: The good Mayor "works for you". He "represents" you.There's an added bonus with Bloomberg too. He really really cares about your health.Now take the stairs up to the street, and get yourself an apple juice from a licensed merchant.

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