CO Government Selling Personal Data To Mail Marketers


A disturbing news story from a Denver CBS affiliate has revealed that the government is proactively selling information about citizens to private marketing companies for profit. Big Gov isn't satisfied with taking our money from us in the ever-growing myriad of ways - now they need to make money off of us while also assuring that we receive endless and disturbingly specific junk mail.

Spokesperson Andrew Cole confirms the Secretary of State sells business information for monetary amounts ranging from $200 to $12,000, depending on frequency and amount of information requested. But, Cole says the fees only cover the costs of running the databases.“We are not looking to make money,” said Cole. “We charge to cover our costs.” (Ed note - yeah right)According to Cole, there is no way to opt out of these lists and anyone can buy them, even scammers. There is no screening process.“It’s a public database,” Cole said. He said it’s “meant to be public” and part of running a transparent government.The Secretary of State also sold voter registration information — including names, addresses and political party affiliation of voters — for $58,000, last year.Even death is for sale. The Social Security Administration sells a “Master Death Index” for $7,500 each. The result, an onslaught of letters to surviving family members asking to purchase a home.

There is a difference between having a "transparent" government, where citizens have access to information and can do their own research, and having government organizations compile lists specifically for the purpose of sale for profit to private companies.Naturally, with Obamacare set to kick in in 2014, and the questions about sharing formerly private health data with the government, one has to ask what exactly will remain private when profit is on the line? What records will be sliced and diced to create marketing lists that may not directly violate any privacy laws that may still exist, but empirically still infringe on personal privacy while also inviting harassment?The Federal government also has a huge incentive to do whatever it can to help assist mail marketing companies, as advertisements and marketing materials are the only thing keeping the Postal Service alive these days.This is just one more example of why government can't be trusted. Government looks out for itself - we are simply cash machines to be tapped whenever possible to keep the beast growing and in control.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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