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It Does Not Matter If Syria Used Chemical Weapons

It has always amazed me how the State, with assistance from the media, is almost always able to nudge a vast majority of the populace in the direction they desire. Even when opposition to government intervention domestically or foreign entanglements invoke strong resistance in the beginning, eventually the masses go along with the government wishes. In regards to the present situation in Syria, the State could be using the accusation of chemical weapons use in order to sway public opinion.The State is able to manipulate the population by exploiting an unfortunate misconception that most individuals share regarding their relation to the State.  A significant majority of the populace believes the old adage that “we are the government.” It is a lot easier to support State actions when you have been made to believe that you are personally invested in the outcome.Thankfully, this mindset seems to be changing in the United States and in the rest of the Western world. For some reason the propaganda machines known as the mainstream media are not having the same influence. This phenomenon can be primarily credited to the growth of the Internet.This inconvenient truth has not stopped the typical establishment characters in Washington from waging a relentless campaign that has attempted to convince the population that the Syrian government used chemical weapons and for this reason the people of Syria deserve to be obliterated by a deluge of Tomahawk missiles.Thankfully the common man is no longer buying what the State is selling.A Reuters poll last week found that 60% of American are opposed to U.S. intervention in Syria. The appetite for war is no stronger in Germany, as 58% are against intervention following the alleged use of chemical weapon by the Syrian government last week. On Thursday, the UK Parliament rejected Prime Minister David Cameron’s pleas to launch a military strike against Syria.Perhaps people are finally losing trust in government.  Maybe the revelations of government spying uncovered by Edward Snowden have awaken the people from their propaganda induced slumber. If the United States government does bomb Syria, will the theater of a new war cause Americans to tune in and watch the “entertainment” of REAL bombs raining down and killing REAL people?Hopefully nobody watches. The media would like us to believe that if intelligence can prove the Syrian government used chemical weapons, then the American people will gladly chant U-S-A as bloods run through the streets of Syria.The aforementioned polls are generally accompanied with the caveat, if it is proven Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, then the number of people supporting a Syrian military strike increases. This may or may not be true, but it should not matter one iota to a citizen of the United States, Britain, Germany, or any other country that is not at risk of being attacked by Syria.Daniel McAdam, the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute and contributor to succinctly remarked that it is makes no difference if the Syrian government used chemical weapons. Syria is not a threat to the United States.

It does not matter whether or not Obama gets Congressional approval for the strike. It does not matter whether 50 percent plus one in Congress vote in favor of an attack on Syria. It does not matter whether some form of chemical weapons were used in the war in Syria. It does not matter who used them if they were indeed used. It does not matter whether the Saudis are demanding that we overthrow Assad. It does not matter whether the Turks are demanding we overthrow Assad. It does not matter whether the Israelis demand that we overthrow Assad.What matters is that there are no grounds for the US to make war on Syria. It has not attacked us; it does not threaten us. On the contrary, by arming and training the jihadist rebels fighting against the Syria government, it is the US that is threatening Syria. It is the US that is the aggressor. It is the US government that through its actions opens the US to all manner of retaliation in response to its initiation of aggression in Syria and elsewhere.

There must be unknown factors driving this conflict. To launch a military attack on the world stage would not align with Barack Obama's typical warfare strategy. Although he did instigate intervention in Libya, the President usually prefers to blame the blood on his hands on his predecessor or have his killing done under a cloak of secrecy. I guess that’s how Nobel Peace Prize winning Presidents operate.One hundred thousand people have been killed during Syria’s civil war. With each passing day it looks increasingly likely that President Obama is going to circumvent Congress and add to that total.  Real bombs will kill real people. The so called President of peace will have his war. He won’t be able to hide behind failed policies of past administrations or pretend the drone hits he authorizes only kill “bad guys.”If President Obama drags the United States into war in Syria let’s hope the American people fervently object. If there is another war, let’s hope millions of Americans have their eyes opened and realize that the government is fighting the war. Wars are not about us versus them. Wars are about government versus government.  If we could do away with the government, we would have a more peaceful existence.Maybe people will wake up without another war.  For the sake of mankind I sure as heck hope so.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!