Lions of Liberty

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No Funny Business with the TSA (Even on Instagram)

Instagram - an app which allows people to share pictures of everything from their meal to their dogs (guilty) - has soared in popularity in the last year or two. Why? Well, because it's simple, silly, and fun... and Americans love simple, silly, and fun.  Being the trend followers that they are, even the boys in blue at the TSA have taken to posting on Instagram. Much like they have done to traveling with friends and family, the TSA is quickly attempting to suck the fun out of Instagram for those lucky enough to follow them (I do so for purposes of mockery only). Instead of posting pictures of a TSA agent's pastrami sandwich through a hip new filter, TSA uses their Instagram for one purpose only: to shame passengers for the "contraband" they bring onto a plane.This week, the TSA posted a picture of a gimmicky watch rigged up to look like an obviously fake bomb. Our blue-gloved friends were not amused.


Even though the TSA doesn't have fun with this, that doesn't mean the rest of us can't. The real fun is in the comments section. Here's a sampling:


What?! That's just a bunch of fuses, you guys are idiots.@jganderson7 Good thing you saved everyone from being "Alarmed" #missioncreep@roberthicks1981 Really what terrorist uses a damn fuse ! TSA should be trained to know the difference between a novelty watch from Spencer's and a damn detonator.@two2teps Wow, let me just alter my personal style because some under trained idiot doesn't want to do hid job. If you want to curry favor and support, stick to posting pictures of ridiculous knives and guns.

Of course, let's remember to keep those comments to Instagram...give lip like that in the TSA line and you'll find yourself on the rough end of an "enhanced patdown" like your humble editor-in-chief once did.  And don't forget..."be mindful of what you pack!"Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!