The Government Shutdown Spectacle


Well, it's that time again.More blah...blah...blah about government shutting down. Flocks of chicken littles are flapping their wings, and cackling about how the world would end with a dreaded shutdown.Sadly, for any libertarians who may get caught in the hype, there's no reason to get excited. If there's one thing that government bureaucrats want to avoid, it's closing down. The American people might come to the conclusion that all those "government services" aren't necessary to begin with. Freedom might break out. Can't have that.So we wait, and watch the nonsensical entertainment. Here's nice sample from Robert Reich:

A shutdown would be crippling. Soldiers would get IOUs instead of paychecks. Hundreds of thousands of federal employees would be furloughed without pay. National parks would close. Millions of Americans would feel the effects.

That's actually not so bad at all. Soldiers should be brought home from all over the world anyway. And hundreds of thousands of federal employees should not be furloughed, but fired! They need to go into the voluntary, productive, and private sector of the economy. No more living off of taxpayers! National parks should be sold off and privatized.This is all mental gymnastics anyway, because Robert Reich's armageddon is (unfortunately) nothing but hot air.Andrew Taylor of The Associated Press explains what a "shutdown" really means:

Social Security checks will still go out. Troops will remain at their posts. Doctors and hospitals will get their Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. In fact, virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, will remain open. Furloughed federal workers probably would get paid, eventually. Transportation Security Administration officers would continue to man airport checkpoints. … shutdowns … happened every year when Jimmy Carter was president, averaging 11 days each. During President Reagan’s two terms, there were six shutdowns, typically just one or two days apiece. Deals got cut. Everybody moved on.

So all the scare tactics are just indoctrination opportunities to scare the sheeple into believing that they really need the government; and without it, the Earth stops its rotation.

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