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Journalists, Jobs & Government: Can We Trust Our Media Anymore?

I was reading a report today on the incestuous relationship that the Obama administration has fostered with the fawning media. Every one of us will recall the adoring puff pieces on Obama, which continue to this day among the unscrupulous media outlets (looking at you MSNBC), but are still prevalent in those considered "less liberal" in their bias. Many members of the media in print and broadcast have left their former posts, where they were able to influence millions daily, to undertake a new line of work: government lackey.The Washington Times is the latest to point out this flock of "neutral" media who have shown their true, undiluted blue coloring, and include this list of media-turned Obama-mouthpiece provided by Erik Erikson of Red State (of which I am not a fan) in today's piece:

Mr. Erickson’s list included former Time correspondent Jay Carney, now Mr. Obama’s top spokesman; ABC NewsLinda Douglass, who joined the White House push to pass Obamacare and returned to journalism at The Atlantic; the Chicago Tribune’s Jill Zuckman, a political correspondent who became spokeswoman for Ray LaHood, transportation secretary in Mr. Obama’s first term; Jim Sciutto, who left ABC News to work for U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke, before returning to a media job at CNN; and The Washington Post’s Shailagh Murray, Douglas Frantz and Stephen Barr, all of whom took posts in the Obama administration.

And that's a partial list.Republicans also employ former media when in office, but the ratio of conservative media goons in government to liberal media goons in government is 5-1 according to Erikson's data and the Obama administration has by far the most.This is a free country and no one should be denied the right to work where they desire. However, when one enters into media there is a responsibility for objectivity and truth in the reporting that is provided to the populace. With this sort of crony content creation going on, where media pack up and jump ship for government as soon as they have written enough fawning articles to convince the administration that they would be an asset and a loyal lapdog, it calls into question everything that reporter has produced previously.These people had clear agendas, and they worked to obscure and influence from a position of power that holds great responsibility. When I think about it, these folks couldn't find a better home than with the government, where positions of supreme power and responsibility are regularly bastardized.What is the solution? I don't know. The most obvious (and least likely to happen) is editors and owners of media outlets doing a better job of interviewing their hires to find those with the moral compass to guide them to true journalism instead of this propaganda in journalistic wrapping. Maybe there needs to be a contractual amendment that denies government employment up to a year after the termination period. I just don't know. What I do know is that with every passing day, our news media draws closer to government and my trust erodes evermore in anything I see published in the MSM.Where do I look now? One source I'll plug here is Ben Swann. You can view his new youtube channel and website for investigative journalism here.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!