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What the 'Liberators' Left Behind in Iraq

March 20th, 2003 - Neocon Senator John McCain sells the Iraq war:

But I believe, Katie, that the Iraqi people will greet us as liberators.

10 years, and $800+ Billion later, we find these results:

987 civilians have been killed in Iraq so far THIS MONTH.6,000 civilian deaths already this year.There were 4,500 in all of 2012.

Ron Paul recently described Iraq even further:

Millions live in constant fear, refugees do not return home, and the economy is destroyed. The Christian community, some 1.2 million persons before 2003, has been nearly wiped off the Iraqi map. Other minorities have likewise disappeared. Making matters worse, US support for the Syrian rebels next door has drawn the Shi’ite-led Iraqi government into the spreading regional unrest and breathed new life into extremist elements.

The invasion of Iraq opened the door to Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which did not exist beforehand, while simultaneously strengthening the hand of Iran in the region.

McCain surely deserves to teach a course (maybe alongside Paul Krugman at Princeton) called "Liberation 101".

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