Speaker Boehner Is Right For Once...


Speaker of the House, John Boehner is right. I never thought I would write those words - not ever in my life. But as the old saying goes, even a stopped watch has the right time twice a day. What's he right about? Well, let me show you...

House Speaker John A. Boehner predicted Wednesday that by the end of the month, more Americans will have lost their insurance by being kicked off existing health plans than the number who were able to sign up in the flawed online healthcare.gov website.

The reports coming in agree. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been notified by their insurers that their policies have been dropped because they aren't compliant with the new ACA laws (including our own editor-in-chief and podcast host extraordinaire). Hundreds of thousands have had their policies modified to the point where they can't afford them anymore and have dropped them, opting to pay the fine instead.Add in the fact that in North Dakota, less than 1 person in the state per day is able to sign up through the incredibly flawed system, and you have yourself a real mess.  The Feds are trying to muzzle Blue Cross on its stats for signups...you know, since it's so insanely pathetic and indicative of how broken this system is. Not even government sponsored fakes can turn the tide of public opinion on this abomination.There is zero chance this month that more people will join Obamacare and become enrolled in healthcare exchanges than are dropped from insurance company roles and made to re-sign under new healthcare plans. It could be several months before we even come close, let alone to the point where the majority of Americans have health insurance, as was the theoretical plan under the ACA.Most people are still in a state of shock and awe over the costs of insurance under Obamacare. If you're young, single or healthy, you're pretty much screwed.Meanwhile, I'm in a state of shock that just this once, Speaker Boehner was right.Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a hot shower so I feel clean again after typing this.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!


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