BREAKING: Charity Occurs; No Guns Found at Scene


The Huffington Post reports on a video from GiveBackFilms, in which three young men give a $200 tip to a waitress at IHOP. Check it out: guys at GiveBackFilms have a YouTube channel full of similar videos where they give back to people, from paying for people's drive-thru to giving money to homeless people. Their YouTube videos have millions of hits, so they are clearly doing an effective job spreading the word on what they are doing. These young men are setting a great example and showing how people can help others, and have fun doing it.This is contrary to the way government "charity" programs work, whereby the tax man collects money from the citizens at the point of a gun, while bureaucrats direct it to whatever "causes" they deem worthy. These causes are often conveniently run by corporations that just so happen to have a cozy relationship with the aforementioned government. The vast majority of this "charity tax" money ends up in the hands of parasitic bureaucrats and crony capitalists.Not so much fun.Today's technology makes it easier than ever for bright, philanthropic minds to effectively get charity directly to the people who need it most. No gun required.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon!  


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