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The Spin Team: You're Losing Your Insurance For Your Own Good

It doesn't matter what the evil is, the government can always count on its spin crew to rush to its aid. These apologists will either latch onto a fluffy euphemism (e.g., collateral damage, quantitative easing, etc.) or they'll just spin the evil around to and tell you it's for your own good (e.g., for your safety, for the children, etc).The Obamacare debacle provides another chance for the spin team to carry out their performance. Obama clearly and unequivocally lied about being able to keep your insurance if you liked it. If you haven't seen one of the many YouTube montages, here you go.Well, the spin team turns around with a "Yeah, he lied. But it's for you own good".Here are some of the greatest hits:Michael Tomasky: "Obama misled people. It’s a small percentage of people. They’re at the mercy of the most horrible end of the private-insurance market, and the vast majority of them are going to be better off after everything shakes out and they see that their new plans are largely better than their old ones were."Matthew O'Brien: "That's because it's a good thing if some people lose their plans. That's how reform should work, the White House's false promises and hopelessly bungled roll-out, notwithstanding."Jonathan Cohn“You can’t fix health insurance without changing health insurance.”EJ Dionne: "The very purpose of insurance reform is to create a broad market in which the less healthy will be able to get coverage at affordable prices. This made a certain amount of cost-shifting inevitable..."See how it works?Your life was a just a process of "cost-shifting".Sure, you were lied to; but it was so the planners could better plan for you. Sure you made a contract on your own volition, and it was a contract that you wanted to keep. But as Stalin said, "You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs."You're a broken egg. Live with it. The planners know what is best.Now go fire up Neil Diamond's "Proud to be an American...Where at least I know I'm free..."

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