Libertarian Know-It-Alls


Besides being called racist, selfish, mean, and wishful-thinking utopians, libertarians are often accused of being "know-it-alls". You know these people: the ones who present themselves as infallible experts on any given subject. Indeed, that's how some libertarians might appear to those who are not engaged in the battle of ideas or those who do not share the same perspectives.These loudmouth free marketeers will flood your Facebook feed with the daily news, retweet some economist warning of financial doom, and protest the invasive surveillance state from the comfort of their computer chair while they drink coffee and watch our friendly, decentralized cryptocurrency Bitcoin continue its rise in fiat, paper dollars. Currently, the central bank killing technology is hovering just above $500.I'm sure there are some libertarians out there that actually believe they know it all. Just as I am sure that there are some libertarians out there that have never heard of Murray N. Rothbard. Libertarians are a very diverse group. And we're growing. One of the key indicators that libertarianism is gaining ground against the failed ideas of statism is the barrage of articles 'exposing' the flaws in the freedom philosophy."We can't get rid of government program 'X'," says the debunker of libertarian ideas, "Free people can't survive or thrive without a territorial monopolist of ultimate decision-making telling everyone what to do, and throwing them in cages if they refuse."Okay, maybe they don't say that. But we have been labeled hypocritical, the new communists, and confused about capitalism recently.RawStory's Amanda Marcotte has another charge against libertarians. After she thoroughly analyzed libertarianism, the free market alternatives to government institutions, the history of capitalism, socialism, and central banking, she came to the conclusion that libertarianism can't work because, in the fantasy land of freedom, individuals must know 'all the things, all the time.'Marcotte's main beef is with Rand Paul and his recent comments regarding the FDA's action on trans fats. This shining beacon of all that is libertarianism - Rand Paul - made a joke about FDA officials and their waistlines. How dare he mock the Killer Agency that is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths!Marcotte, like most critics of the L-word, makes the assumption that in the 'libertarian paradise' there will be no institutions providing the services that are currently handled by the coercive power of government. Because of this, victims of the libertarian way of life will have to know 'all the things, all the time' -- becoming libertarian know-it-alls for their very survival.What Marcotte fails to realize is the dissemination of vital information is best handled by the market process, not a central authority prone to inefficiency and corruption. Absent the FDA, a market institution would emerge to codify rules and regulations for food and drugs. Competing free market FDA-type agencies would have incentives to provide the best and most up-to-date information, avoid corruption, and maintain a good reputation. If there is a demand for it, the market will supply it.

I’m grateful to live in a world where basic survival doesn’t require me to know all the things all the time. But libertarian paradise is not only one where trans fats aren’t banned, but also one where the baker is allowed to withhold that information from me. Basically, to not be “stupid” by the libertarian estimation, you really do need to have psychic powers.

Amanda Marcotte has been to libertarian paradise. Trans fats are not banned in that mystical land. And the baker that doesn't inform you of what's in his banana bread somehow persuades you to buy the junk anyways.

Indeed, the childish/stupid insistence that the only way you’re being respected is if we pretend you know all the things all the time is the governing philosophy of libertarianism. Which, ironically, is why I have no f--ing respect for them at all. It’s idiotic to ignore the fact that we live in a complex world where the things that need to be known are so numerous that no one person can hold them in their heads at all time.

The governing philosophy of libertarianism is non-aggression; not the necessity of individuals to know all things at all times. It's impossible for any individual to know it all.It's also impossible for any government institution to know it all.Receive access to ALL of our EXCLUSIVE bonus audio content – including “Conspiracy Corner”, “Degenerate Gamblers” and the “League of Liberty Podcast” by joining the Lions of Liberty Pride and supporting us on Patreon! 


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