The Lions of Liberty Podcast Ep. 10: Hunter Lewis


In this episode of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, I am joined by Hunter Lewis, co-founder of, and author of two new books, Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012 and Free Prices Now!: Fixing the Economy by Abolishing the FedWe discuss the important distinction between true capitalism and "crony capitalism", and how corporations like Goldman Sachs, General Electric, and Monsanto use government to their benefit. We then examine how the Federal Reserve system serves to enable crony capitalism, and why the Fed being the largest holder of U.S. debt is so dangerous.Related Articles:What the Yellen Vote Will Tell Us About Today's Republican Party by Hunter LewisWhen Asked to Defend the Fed's Policies, Committed Keynesians Obfuscate by Hunter LewisAre Libertarians Confused About Capitalism?Books by Hunter Lewis:                      Don't forget to check back This Thursday, November 21st, for a special edition of the Lions of Liberty Podcast, one day before the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr., when my guest will be:

Roger Stone


On his book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ

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